Happy One Year Anniversary, Pleasantly Surprised!!! I miss Puff and Jasper and the Figaro Crew. But it's good to know they still hang out together...for how much longer, I don't know, as my favourite stars go off to do their own projects. But I'm glad to see they still have a strong friendship. I feel like it'll be one that will last in the industry and even if they do drift apart, it'll be a friendship that they'll easily pick up again when they have the chance to unite!
Anyway, recently, the Pleasantly Surprised crew had a big beach trip minus Jolin, Yorke and Jasper who were all filming on the day - Jasper for When I See You Again and Jolin and Yorke for Murphy's Law of Love. Hehe, the three boys were jokingly complaining that the rest of the crew were sneaky and unfair to pick a day when they were working! But everyone else seemed to have fun. It seems they spent the entire day together too and there's a lot of photos from everyone's account!
From Puff's Instagram...
Caption: Good Morning! Going on a trip...
From Deyn's Instagram...
Caption: Good Morning! Going on a trip~!
From Verna's Instagram...
Caption: Thank you, you guys for accompanying me ahead of my birthday! Like this group of people. Wish me Happy Birthday!
From Puff's Instagram...
Caption: To those who couldn't make it, sorry lo!
From Verna's Instagram...
Caption: Eating sand half day tour ~ Godmother Puff's sea urchin scrambled eggs are an unequalled force! Feeling very grateful ~
From Zooey's Instagram...
Caption: Before Summer comes, we go to the beach first. to lay in the sunshine. Finally go on a journey. Verna Pei, Happy Birthday! Hope in the future every year we can have a happy birthday together.
From Deyn's Instagram...
Caption: A group of people = Double the happiness. A really good and relaxing journey together. Not more to say than "Like"!
From Stanley's Instagram...
Caption: Getting to know you guys really has been a matter of happiness/luckiness. Each person is different, each person is devious in their own way, but I really like you all. I'm not someone who easily relies on friends, because that will quickly bring other people burdens...But I don't care...I just want to rely on you guys...ye, ye, ye, ye, ye~ ~ ~ ~ And then there's also no one who didn't make it (here today) because they are still in our hearts! : )
From Verna's Instagram...
Caption: A group filming dramas, after one year and still this close and gathering together. I think this is fate (a pre-destined relationship). Thank you Pleasantly Surprised for allowing me to meet you guys! Everyone's good-nature is proven from our time (together). Thankful for this rare to find fate (pre-destined relationship).
From Yorke's Instagram...
Caption: Think you guys are too cute! Can only say that me and my brother are actually too alike. Every Time I See Sean's pictures tagged as me, I keep laughing! ---Sean always seems to be mistaken for Yorke and vice versa!---

From Puff's Instagram...
Caption: Home-cooking to trick you to come here to eat with me
Caption: Already satisfied, already made a vow. Our lives have times of fear and times of joy. It's an unceasing study, an unceasing need for improvement, moving towards one's own dreams and forging one's future. Although in the end, not everyone's dreams will necessarily be the same...I sincerely wish that everyone's dreams will come true.
From Stanley's Instagram...
Caption: So relaxed that even my tummy has come out...hahahahaha!
I didn't happen to Screen cap when Jasper, Jolin and Yorke left comments on Puff's, Verna's and everyone else's photos with their complaining comments...but some fans did...here's one from a fan page...