So I know this isn't the latest SPOP magazine, but I thought I'd go back and translate for the September magazine photo shoot because it featured Vivian Sung and Darren Wang of the film Our Times...And since I've seen the film I've totally shipped them! Well, I've totally felt like looking at every project they did together promoting the film (So expect a lot of backtracking to translate Our Times BTS content). Vivian and Darren are very sweet, natural and funny together. Anyway, enjoy the translations here...
Commentator: The September SPOP Magazine cover features Our Times' male and female leads Darren Wang and Vivian Sung once again hold hands to do more acting, changing their scenery and clothing...there's now a different program... First of all, taking advantage of the day while it's still bright, we rush to the rooftop to do a photo shoot. incidentally getting to see the rainbow appear...
-Cuts to Darren looking and pointing to the rainbow-
Darren [Red, green and blue caption]: It's very big, very big, very big!
[Thinking bubble: Would really like to take a photo]
-Cuts to Darren pointing at the sky and doing cute silly smiles for camera-
SPOP staff member [Red and pink captions]: Eh, very cool! Very cute!
Darren strikes his pose and then grins as he gets out of pose.
-Cuts to Darren walking backwards with his shoulders really swaggering-
SPOP staff member [Orange and blue caption]: Unrelenting/ Without stopping to rest!
---Haha! The staff member is talking about how Darren has the continuous energy to fool around and act silly without a break!---
-Cuts to Darren talking to the camera-
Darren [Orange and black caption]: I want a black coloured umbrella!
Darren and SPOP staff burst out laughing
SPOP staff member, laughing: I'll help you to key a black one
Darren, laughing pretending to be a Diva: This is very unsophisticated!
-Cuts to staff handing him a different umbrella with dots-
SPOP staff member: Then do you want dots?
Another SPOP staff member: How could you get the ones with dots?!
Another SPOP staff member [Black, green and pink caption]: God of death, how could you hold a dotty (umbrella)?
Darren: So that's why I want a black one...that's right!
-Cuts to Darren running across the rooftop and getting close to a male crew member-
Darren makes a kissy face.
[Grey caption on the crew member: Extremely Scared!]
The SPOP staff members laugh.
-Cuts to Vivian walking out and Darren walking in a lob-sided manner behind her-
[Yellow and black caption scrolling across the screen: Really loves joking around!]
Commentator: In the small acting sequence of a photo shoot, not everyone can say they'll perform well and actually perform well.
-Cuts to Darren and Vivian looking out into the distance, probably for a photo pose-
Darren commentating on the hopeful-gazing-into-the-pose: Our future...our youth...
Vivian:... Our Golden Horse Award...
Darren, laughing pretending to be a Diva: This is very unsophisticated!
-Cuts to staff handing him a different umbrella with dots-
SPOP staff member: Then do you want dots?
Another SPOP staff member: How could you get the ones with dots?!
Another SPOP staff member [Black, green and pink caption]: God of death, how could you hold a dotty (umbrella)?
Darren: So that's why I want a black one...that's right!
-Cuts to Darren running across the rooftop and getting close to a male crew member-
Darren makes a kissy face.
[Grey caption on the crew member: Extremely Scared!]
The SPOP staff members laugh.
-Cuts to Vivian walking out and Darren walking in a lob-sided manner behind her-
[Yellow and black caption scrolling across the screen: Really loves joking around!]
Commentator: In the small acting sequence of a photo shoot, not everyone can say they'll perform well and actually perform well.
Commentator: If the male and female leads didn't have complete mutual understanding, they wouldn't be able to do it well.
-Cuts to Darren and Vivian looking out into the distance, probably for a photo pose-
Darren commentating on the hopeful-gazing-into-the-pose: Our future...our youth...
Vivian:... Our Golden Horse Award...
Darren, laughing: Our Golden Horse Award!
Vivian: ...Our Hawaii...
Darren: Hawaii is coming to us!
-Cuts to Darren holding Vivian's hand as she walks along and balances on a rooftop for a photo-
Darren [Pink caption]: Has rough legs
Vivian jumps off and starts slapping him
Vivian [White, Orange and pink captions]: You have a little fat stomach! (You're) Forcing me to lift...
Vivian to SPOP staff members: He also has a secret!
SPOP staff members: Tell us! Tell us! Tell us!
Vivian, pointing at a grinning Darren: (You'll) Only know if (he) takes off his clothes
Commentator: After finishing the rooftop expressions of love, after finishing this little hipster drama sequence, (both of them) change into black outfits, add on ice cold expressions...
Commentator: Extremely excellent acting skills. Ok, talented at change, change, change! The last set of clothing is keeping up with the newest Autumn and Winter thickset fashions, like what you'd wear indoors. A perfect explanation.
-Cuts to Darren standing there fiddling with his cardigan-
Darren [Grey and yellow caption]: Aren't I a stripper?
SPOP staff members laugh: A Stripper?
Darren [Yellow and red caption]: That's correct. I am a stripper. But I've never stripped before
SPOP staff members [Black and red caption]: If you haven't stripped then, the word "tuo" that you're using is the "tuo" for derailing/going off track rather than the "tuo" for stripping off.
---The word "tuo" is a homonym - there are several words that have this pronunciation, but have different meanings. The SPOP members are joking that Darren has used the wrong word---
-Cuts to a bit later in the conversation-
SPOP staff member: Then can we have the cardigan (outer layer of clothing) taken off?
Darren: Yep, ok
SPOP staff member: Then can you open up your buttons?
Darren, making a silly voiced reply: Okkkk
SPOP staff member: Going into the bathtub, are you wearing too much clothes?
-Cuts to Darren in the bathtub, unbuttoning his shirt an grinning-
SPOP staff member: Just opening the few buttons at the front is good, lahh
[Pink and white thinking bubble caption from Darren: Finally, I can take it off]
Male SPOP staff member: Fulfill all the younger and older female staff's desires
Female SPOP staff member, defensively: It's not like we're photographing
All this time Darren continues taking off his buttons
[Yellow and black caption moving across the screen: Ferociously unbuttoning]
Female SPOP staff member: He keeps opening unbuttoning himself!
Darren: I'm opening up to have a look, then I'll button again. What's up with you?
Darren jokingly to SPOP staff [Red caption]: You're so annoying!
Darren to male SPOP staff member: Do you follow this group of people at work every day?!
SPOP staff members laugh.
-Cuts to photographer taking a picture of Darren leaning against a window-
SPOP staff members: Very cool/handsome
SPOP staff members: That is the kind (of pose) that teenage girls will make shrill cries about
First SPOP female staff member: Can you make a shrill cry?
The other SPOP female staff member: Yes!
First SPOP female staff member to second SPOP female staff member [Blue, black and red caption]: But just then, you didn't give out a shrill cry.
Darren leans in to look at the photos of his pose.
SPOP staff members laugh.
[Green caption: Awkward, awkward, awkward]
Commentator: Oh, awkward! The truth just then was that there were no shrill cries from teenage girls that could be heard...but no matter, must be because the female lead actress was not included (in the shoot). This bedside interaction will surely arouse some wild, fanciful daydreams (from fan girls).
-Cuts to Darren with his arms around Vivian trying to find the best hugging position for the photo-
Vivian squirms around trying to find the best position and he has his arms around her, according to how she stands. She ends up facing his chest.
Vivian, patting his chest [red caption]: Very strong and sturdy
Vivian is smiling and SPOP staff members are laughing.
SPOP staff member to Vivian: Can you lean, like on an island pose, against the crook of his arm?
Vivian is confused about how to lean against him and she trials a few moves, laughing and moving his arms so she can do the pose properly
Vivian to Darren [Red and green captions]: Open up (your arms)
Finally they get into a comfortable hugging position
Vivian: This hugging-like-on-an-island-crook-of-arm position is a bit crowded
SPOP staff member: It creates a bit of shyness! ---Because they have to get so close and intimate---
-Cuts to Darren and Vivian in a back-to-back pose, each with their arms folded-
SPOP photographer: The bottom half of your bodies seems like they could be a bit closer...
Both Darren and Vivian move their butts towards each others, especially Darren, who looks like he's just stuck his ass out to meet Vivian's.
[Pink caption: stick]
Darren, Vivian and the SPOP staff members all burst out laughing.
-Cuts to Darren and Vivian in the same pose, doing more photos for the photographer-
SPOP staff member [Orange and blue caption]: [You've] Split apart [your bodies] again
Both Darren and Vivian automatically bump their backsides together. Immediately, Darren and Vivian start laughing again.
SPOP photographer: No need, no need, no need (to be rash)
SPOP photographer: Go slowly
Darren and Vivian are still laughing.
-Cuts to a close up of Darren and Vivian's faces, their positions still back-to-back-
Both of them are smiling brightly.
SPOP photographer: Good. Wait a moment.
The photographer takes one last picture and them Vivian and Darren get out of pose, still grinning.
They turn to talk to each other.
Vivian, clapping [Orange and blue caption]: Our butts are like bumper cars
Darren and Vivian grin
Commentator: Finishing telling SPOP's bedside story, the most important part of the project is about to be acted out...
-Cuts to Darren and Vivian waiting for the shoot to be set up-
Darren: What?
Darren, grinning [Pink caption]: There's a bed scene
SPOP staff member [Black caption]: Don't fool around...
Darren, pulling at his top jokingly [Red caption]: It's very hot
Vivian who is standing around takes a step closer to him and grins.
Vivian [red and black caption]: Very tiring, ah!
After her dirty joke, she turns around and Darren makes a face, laughingly at what she's said.
---Haha, he's obviously enjoying the dirty jokes!---
SPOP staff member: Very tiring!
-Cuts to Darren and Vivian sitting side-by-side in bed together-
SPOP staff member, laughing about the quaint Western costumes and setting of the house used for the photo shoot: How could you live... That is, are you guys living in Norway or where are you living?
Vivian, laughing: Norway!
Darren is fiddling with his collar and trying to unbutton it.
[Red and white thinking bubble caption: Very hot!]
-Cuts to Darren and Vivian still siting in bed together talking-
Vivian slaps her hand over Darren's.
Vivian, laughing: Then what about you?
Darren: Me being dressed like this makes me a bit hot
Vivian laughs.
Darren, laughing: I can't even joke now...I'm too hot
Darren jokes [yellow and blue caption]: If I talk any more, I'll start sweating
-Cuts to Darren, with his arm around Vivian, sitting on the bed. Someone is holding a sheet up behind them. It's a pose for a photo-
Vivian says to SPOP staff, referring to Darren: That day, he was very serious
But seems like she's spoken too soon because Darren starts playing a prank on her...
Darren: There's someone behind us...
Vivian turns and Darren makes a loud noise to try and scare her.
[Caption: Red scare marks!]
Vivian turns back to jokingly glare at Darren and the SPOP staff members laugh.
-Cuts to a close up of Vivian and Darren in the same position, a little further down in the same conversation-
Darren, again: There's someone behind us
Vivian turns again and Darren makes the same noise to scare her.
Vivian turns back looking like, ugh fell for that again!
Darren leans closer in towards her for the photo and Vivian rolls her eyes jokingly.
[Black and white thinking bubble caption: Very annoying!]
Commentator: Darren Wang, Vivian Sung, their two people bed-scene seems to be lacking in sentimental mood...Maybe it's really too hot and that's affecting the mood to be not as good as just directly shaking off the blankets, not being obstructed, and clearly acting it all out.
SPOP photographer: Looks like it's fast approaching the laying down (shoot)
Vivian: Let's change over to you (to pose)
Darren: Change over to me?
Vivian: Lean on me
Darren, fluffing a pillow and laying it over Vivian's lap: Ok, I'm coming over!
He's grinning ear to ear and curling up in a coy, girly way.
[Red and white caption on Darren: Excitement!]
Vivian, Darren and the SPOP staff all laugh.
SPOP photographer: What if...
-Cuts to Darren laying across Vivian's lap and Vivian looking like she's looking into Darren's ear-
Darren: Then how do you pick it out?
---They're talking about extracting earwax with an Asian earwax picker...hahaha---
Vivian: You should pick it out yourself!
Darren: I've never picked it out by myself. It's always other people who pick it out (for me)
SPOP staff member: Oh my god!
SPOP staff member: Who picks it out for you?!
Darren: I've never picked earwax out of my ears before
Vivian: Just how old are you?!
Another SPOP staff member: Who helps you to pick it out?
Darren: How do you pick your earwax?
SPOP staff member: Why can't you pick it out yourself?!
Another SPOP staff member: When your ears are very itchy, you just pick it out!
Another SPOP staff member: Otherwise, who helps you to pick it out?
Darren [Red and white caption]: My mummmm
SPOP staff member: You're so ridiculous!
Another SPOP staff member: (You really) Haven't picked your ears before?!
Darren: Has there ever been anyone who hasn't picked out their earwax before?
SPOP staff member: No one wants to care about you (and what you say anymore) ---haha a loss of respect for him because he's such a kid! :D ---
Another SPOP staff member: Everyone picks their own ears!
Another SPOP staff member: (You've) Scared us too much
Vivian: It's the same as how you have to wipe your own ass
---Hahaha....Are we going into some weird territory here?!?!---
Vivian: You know?
Vivian: Or haven't you wiped your own ass before?
Darren, who has been laying on a pillow across Vivian's lap the whole time, looks up at Vivian grinning and pretends to look surprised.
Darren [Orange and blue caption]: You have to wipe your own ass?!
Everyone is laughing.
Vivian: YESSSS!!!
Vivian: How could you not know?!
Commentator: They've unexpectedly torn more and more further away from the initial sweet whisperings they shared. Return to the little husband and wife story line, ok?

Darren and Vivian both start moving their arms up to touch the other person's nose.
Both burst out laughing at having the exact same thought.
Darren, laughingly: Heyyy!
Daren and Vivian laughing: Aaaahhhhh!!!
Vivian, laughing non-stop and Darren chipping in with the same words: You had the exact same thought as me! It's very gross!
[Pink caption: Very much tacit agreement!]
SPOP staff member: So much tacit agreement...really, it's like you talked about it over a day.
Darren puts a finger cutely on Vivian's nose and gazes at her.
The photographer takes several shots.
Darren to Vivian, grinning: Just then, were you going to use this move too?
Vivian nods and Darren is grinning
And then goes on to use her move, which is to pinch his nose.
She then puts her finger on Darren's nose, as he did to her before.
Then moves it to his forehead and then his nose again.
SPOP staff member: [Lime and pink caption]: Try rolling on the quilt
[Red caption pointing to Darren: Rolls eyes]
Darren and Vivian both laugh and Darren says something to Vivian, still laughing.
SPOP staff member: He rolled his eyes.
Commentator: The film Our Times appears to still appears to reflect warmth.
Commentator: Those fans who have already watched (the film) with pleasure and happiness, you must not miss out on the September issue of SPOP.
Commentator: Guarantee there are endless pleasant surprises to see! (She says one last line which I don't fully understand about Hsu Tai Yu...)
Vivian: ...Our Hawaii...
Darren: Hawaii is coming to us!
-Cuts to Darren holding Vivian's hand as she walks along and balances on a rooftop for a photo-
Darren [Pink caption]: Has rough legs
Vivian jumps off and starts slapping him
Vivian [White, Orange and pink captions]: You have a little fat stomach! (You're) Forcing me to lift...
Vivian to SPOP staff members: He also has a secret!
SPOP staff members: Tell us! Tell us! Tell us!
Vivian, pointing at a grinning Darren: (You'll) Only know if (he) takes off his clothes
Commentator: Extremely excellent acting skills. Ok, talented at change, change, change! The last set of clothing is keeping up with the newest Autumn and Winter thickset fashions, like what you'd wear indoors. A perfect explanation.
-Cuts to Darren standing there fiddling with his cardigan-
Darren [Grey and yellow caption]: Aren't I a stripper?
SPOP staff members laugh: A Stripper?
Darren [Yellow and red caption]: That's correct. I am a stripper. But I've never stripped before
SPOP staff members [Black and red caption]: If you haven't stripped then, the word "tuo" that you're using is the "tuo" for derailing/going off track rather than the "tuo" for stripping off.
---The word "tuo" is a homonym - there are several words that have this pronunciation, but have different meanings. The SPOP members are joking that Darren has used the wrong word---
-Cuts to a bit later in the conversation-
SPOP staff member: Then can we have the cardigan (outer layer of clothing) taken off?
Darren: Yep, ok
SPOP staff member: Then can you open up your buttons?
Darren, making a silly voiced reply: Okkkk
SPOP staff member: Going into the bathtub, are you wearing too much clothes?
SPOP staff member: Just opening the few buttons at the front is good, lahh
Male SPOP staff member: Fulfill all the younger and older female staff's desires
Female SPOP staff member, defensively: It's not like we're photographing
All this time Darren continues taking off his buttons
[Yellow and black caption moving across the screen: Ferociously unbuttoning]
Female SPOP staff member: He keeps opening unbuttoning himself!
Darren: I'm opening up to have a look, then I'll button again. What's up with you?
Darren jokingly to SPOP staff [Red caption]: You're so annoying!
Darren to male SPOP staff member: Do you follow this group of people at work every day?!
SPOP staff members laugh.
-Cuts to photographer taking a picture of Darren leaning against a window-
SPOP staff members: Very cool/handsome
SPOP staff members: That is the kind (of pose) that teenage girls will make shrill cries about
First SPOP female staff member: Can you make a shrill cry?
The other SPOP female staff member: Yes!
First SPOP female staff member to second SPOP female staff member [Blue, black and red caption]: But just then, you didn't give out a shrill cry.
Darren leans in to look at the photos of his pose.
SPOP staff members laugh.
[Green caption: Awkward, awkward, awkward]
Commentator: Oh, awkward! The truth just then was that there were no shrill cries from teenage girls that could be heard...but no matter, must be because the female lead actress was not included (in the shoot). This bedside interaction will surely arouse some wild, fanciful daydreams (from fan girls).
-Cuts to Darren with his arms around Vivian trying to find the best hugging position for the photo-
Vivian squirms around trying to find the best position and he has his arms around her, according to how she stands. She ends up facing his chest.
Vivian, patting his chest [red caption]: Very strong and sturdy
Vivian is smiling and SPOP staff members are laughing.
SPOP staff member to Vivian: Can you lean, like on an island pose, against the crook of his arm?
Vivian is confused about how to lean against him and she trials a few moves, laughing and moving his arms so she can do the pose properly
Vivian to Darren [Red and green captions]: Open up (your arms)
Finally they get into a comfortable hugging position
Vivian: This hugging-like-on-an-island-crook-of-arm position is a bit crowded
SPOP staff member: It creates a bit of shyness! ---Because they have to get so close and intimate---
-Cuts to Darren and Vivian in a back-to-back pose, each with their arms folded-
SPOP photographer: The bottom half of your bodies seems like they could be a bit closer...
Both Darren and Vivian move their butts towards each others, especially Darren, who looks like he's just stuck his ass out to meet Vivian's.
[Pink caption: stick]
Darren, Vivian and the SPOP staff members all burst out laughing.
-Cuts to Darren and Vivian in the same pose, doing more photos for the photographer-
SPOP staff member [Orange and blue caption]: [You've] Split apart [your bodies] again
Both Darren and Vivian automatically bump their backsides together. Immediately, Darren and Vivian start laughing again.
SPOP photographer: No need, no need, no need (to be rash)
SPOP photographer: Go slowly
Darren and Vivian are still laughing.
-Cuts to a close up of Darren and Vivian's faces, their positions still back-to-back-
Both of them are smiling brightly.
SPOP photographer: Good. Wait a moment.
The photographer takes one last picture and them Vivian and Darren get out of pose, still grinning.
They turn to talk to each other.
Vivian, clapping [Orange and blue caption]: Our butts are like bumper cars
Darren and Vivian grin
Commentator: Finishing telling SPOP's bedside story, the most important part of the project is about to be acted out...
-Cuts to Darren and Vivian waiting for the shoot to be set up-
Darren: What?
Darren, grinning [Pink caption]: There's a bed scene
SPOP staff member [Black caption]: Don't fool around...
Darren, pulling at his top jokingly [Red caption]: It's very hot
Vivian who is standing around takes a step closer to him and grins.
Vivian [red and black caption]: Very tiring, ah!
After her dirty joke, she turns around and Darren makes a face, laughingly at what she's said.
---Haha, he's obviously enjoying the dirty jokes!---
SPOP staff member: Very tiring!
-Cuts to Darren and Vivian sitting side-by-side in bed together-
SPOP staff member, laughing about the quaint Western costumes and setting of the house used for the photo shoot: How could you live... That is, are you guys living in Norway or where are you living?
Vivian, laughing: Norway!
Darren is fiddling with his collar and trying to unbutton it.
[Red and white thinking bubble caption: Very hot!]
-Cuts to Darren and Vivian still siting in bed together talking-
Vivian slaps her hand over Darren's.
Vivian, laughing: Then what about you?
Darren: Me being dressed like this makes me a bit hot
Vivian laughs.
Darren, laughing: I can't even joke now...I'm too hot
Darren jokes [yellow and blue caption]: If I talk any more, I'll start sweating
-Cuts to Darren, with his arm around Vivian, sitting on the bed. Someone is holding a sheet up behind them. It's a pose for a photo-
Vivian says to SPOP staff, referring to Darren: That day, he was very serious
But seems like she's spoken too soon because Darren starts playing a prank on her...
Darren: There's someone behind us...
Vivian turns and Darren makes a loud noise to try and scare her.
[Caption: Red scare marks!]
Vivian turns back to jokingly glare at Darren and the SPOP staff members laugh.
-Cuts to a close up of Vivian and Darren in the same position, a little further down in the same conversation-
Darren, again: There's someone behind us
Vivian turns again and Darren makes the same noise to scare her.
Vivian turns back looking like, ugh fell for that again!
Darren leans closer in towards her for the photo and Vivian rolls her eyes jokingly.
[Black and white thinking bubble caption: Very annoying!]
Commentator: Darren Wang, Vivian Sung, their two people bed-scene seems to be lacking in sentimental mood...Maybe it's really too hot and that's affecting the mood to be not as good as just directly shaking off the blankets, not being obstructed, and clearly acting it all out.
SPOP photographer: Looks like it's fast approaching the laying down (shoot)
Vivian: Let's change over to you (to pose)
Darren: Change over to me?
Vivian: Lean on me
Darren, fluffing a pillow and laying it over Vivian's lap: Ok, I'm coming over!
He's grinning ear to ear and curling up in a coy, girly way.
[Red and white caption on Darren: Excitement!]
Vivian, Darren and the SPOP staff all laugh.
SPOP photographer: What if...
-Cuts to Darren laying across Vivian's lap and Vivian looking like she's looking into Darren's ear-
Darren: Then how do you pick it out?
---They're talking about extracting earwax with an Asian earwax picker...hahaha---
Vivian: You should pick it out yourself!
Darren: I've never picked it out by myself. It's always other people who pick it out (for me)
SPOP staff member: Oh my god!
SPOP staff member: Who picks it out for you?!
Darren: I've never picked earwax out of my ears before
Vivian: Just how old are you?!
Another SPOP staff member: Who helps you to pick it out?
Darren: How do you pick your earwax?
SPOP staff member: Why can't you pick it out yourself?!
Another SPOP staff member: When your ears are very itchy, you just pick it out!
Another SPOP staff member: Otherwise, who helps you to pick it out?
Darren [Red and white caption]: My mummmm
SPOP staff member: You're so ridiculous!
Another SPOP staff member: (You really) Haven't picked your ears before?!
Darren: Has there ever been anyone who hasn't picked out their earwax before?
SPOP staff member: No one wants to care about you (and what you say anymore) ---haha a loss of respect for him because he's such a kid! :D ---
Another SPOP staff member: Everyone picks their own ears!
Another SPOP staff member: (You've) Scared us too much
Vivian: It's the same as how you have to wipe your own ass
---Hahaha....Are we going into some weird territory here?!?!---
Vivian: You know?
Vivian: Or haven't you wiped your own ass before?
Darren, who has been laying on a pillow across Vivian's lap the whole time, looks up at Vivian grinning and pretends to look surprised.
Darren [Orange and blue caption]: You have to wipe your own ass?!
Everyone is laughing.
Vivian: YESSSS!!!
Vivian: How could you not know?!
Commentator: They've unexpectedly torn more and more further away from the initial sweet whisperings they shared. Return to the little husband and wife story line, ok?
Commentator: Pleeease!
-Cuts to Vivian and Darren laying onto the bed for a photoshoot -
SPOP staff member: Correct. Don't lie horizontally.
Darren flops on the bed really close to Vivian, almost laying on her arm.
Both burst out laughing at having the exact same thought.
Darren, laughingly: Heyyy!
Daren and Vivian laughing: Aaaahhhhh!!!
Vivian, laughing non-stop and Darren chipping in with the same words: You had the exact same thought as me! It's very gross!
Darren is laughing, and so in Vivian.
[Pink caption: Very much tacit agreement!]
SPOP staff member: So much tacit agreement...really, it's like you talked about it over a day.
Darren puts a finger cutely on Vivian's nose and gazes at her.
The photographer takes several shots.
Darren to Vivian, grinning: Just then, were you going to use this move too?
Vivian nods and Darren is grinning
...So Vivian slaps Darren jokingly.
And then goes on to use her move, which is to pinch his nose.
She then puts her finger on Darren's nose, as he did to her before.
Then moves it to his forehead and then his nose again.
SPOP staff member: [Lime and pink caption]: Try rolling on the quilt
[Red caption pointing to Darren: Rolls eyes]
Darren and Vivian both laugh and Darren says something to Vivian, still laughing.
SPOP staff member: He rolled his eyes.
Commentator: The film Our Times appears to still appears to reflect warmth.
Commentator: Those fans who have already watched (the film) with pleasure and happiness, you must not miss out on the September issue of SPOP.
Commentator: Guarantee there are endless pleasant surprises to see! (She says one last line which I don't fully understand about Hsu Tai Yu...)
End of Translation. These two are so awesome. So natural and fun together. Always teasing and playing around. Are you guys a fan of Darren and Vivian?
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