Monday, 1 February 2016

SPOP 華流 Magazine Update: Bromance 愛上哥們 SPOP 華流 February issue out now!

I'm proud to say I'm a little more on the ball with this piece of news as it was only announced officially yesterday. The next issue of SPOP will once again feature Megan Lai and Baron Chen as the cover couple on at least one of the issues (As you might know SPOP often releases multiple covers each month). Ah, Megan and Baron...their beauty as individuals is one thing...But when teamed together with their beautiful chemistry? For the Valentine's Day issue?! I can't wait to see what this is going to look like. Looks like they've also got the double cover too with special edition stationary sets!!!

AHHHH!!!!! Make that a Triple Cover. With a cover with Megan styled out of her male Pi Yanuo character (which I've loved) and styled as the pretty female version of Pi Yanuo!!! I'm going to die from how pretty this SPOP cover it!!! Just in time for Valentines Day too!!!

A teaser of the all the covers and the special edition stationary gift sets that come with them...


  1. Heyheyhey! Just asking, will u be posting scasn? Cos im unable to buy it cos of where i stay
    X. x

    1. Haha, you're talking to someone who doesn't live in Asia, so if I do get a'll be late. But check out my latest post for other people's scans.

  2. Do you know if it's possible to buy one if you live in the U.S.?

    1. Hi Ren! I don't live in the U.S... So I don't have any ideas. Do you have any Chinese bookshop a near you? Or do you live bears a Kinokuniya? That's probably your best bet. I've gotten my copies of SPOP in the following ways: Got a friend in Asia to buy for me, bought it on holidays while in Taiwan, ordered through a Proxy buyer, ordered through the online book shop myself (this requires you to know Chinese and you might need a Taiwanese ID. Best to go through a proxy buyer.

    2. Not sure if there are Chinese bookstores around me but will definitely look or try going through proxy buyer. Thank you so much for responding! Btw I really enjoy reading your blog!! :)
