Friday 16 October 2020

Filming Locations for Someday or One Day 想見你 - Yilan, Taiwan

I've never been to Yilan before, have you? But now I'm interested in going. This is probably why I've enjoyed looking up these Someday Or One Day filming locations - they've introduced me to other parts of Taiwan that I probably wouldn't have thought about visiting before. 

A number of scenes were shot in Yilan, particularly those relating to the real Wang Quan Sheng. I've only picked 2 locations for scenes that I really liked - The first one is the tree that Li Zi Wei and Huang Yu Xuan skip school to hang out at (and Wang Quan Sheng brings Huang Yu Xuan to talk to). The second location is the cafe that the real Wang Quan Sheng has breakfast at when he sees his crush (played by Simon Lian) riding his bike to school. I really liked the idea of a happy location that related to the real Wang Quan Sheng - and I also liked the idea of going to a place that Simon has been to as well! 

If you missed the first 2 Someday Or One Day filming location travel guides for Tainan, you can read Part 1 here and Part 2 here.

Please Note: None of these photos are mine - please see below pictures for the credits and like the photos on the accounts of the photo takers :)

1. Li Zi Wei/ Wang Quan Sheng's tree - Luodong Yundong Gongyuan 羅東運動公園/  Luodong Sports Park 

Address: No.666, Gongzheng Rd, Luodong Township, Yilan County

Chinese Address: 

The famous tree from the drama is situated in Luodong Sports Park. This tree is where Huang Yu Xuan and Li Zi Wei hang out after they skip school. It's also where Wang Quan Sheng takes Huang Yu Xuan to talk unload her stress (By talking to the tree). The park itself is quite big, so just be aware that it'll be a lot of walking to find that specific tree. Also someone warned about bringing mosquito repellent because they were bitten a fair bit on their trek. But the park is quite pretty and there's 4 different sections: Sports, Landscape, Waterscape and Forrest, so it's worth exploring.

Photo by dream5432020

Photo by dream5432020

Photo by peiyu_ella

Photo by Tw.Traveling

For those interested in the park as well as this specific tree, you can read about it here:

Comparison Photos to the Drama Location

Still found on Breakup Tours

Photo by lion101368

2. The Place where the real Wang Quan Sheng eats breakfast and sees his crush - Ai Jia Zaocan Dian 璦佳早餐店/ Ai Jia Breafast Shop

Address: No. 566, Section 3, Wujie Road, Wujie Township, Yilan County, Taiwan 268

Chinese Address: 五結鄉五結路三段566號

Opening Hours: 5:45am - 11:00am

The real Wang Quan Sheng is one of the saddest characters in the drama. So sad, in fact, that he really doesn't even have a voice. You see his story in a memory flash back music video which tells the story about his 'Blue Love.' He struggles with his feelings, gets bullied by the person he loves (who is played by the beautiful Simon Lian) and then dies within the music video because he feels he isn't accepted for who he is. But if I'm honest, the entire reason I was drawn to Someday or One Day in the first place was because I saw this music video first. I always felt it was a shame that you never get to hear from Wang Quan Sheng or discover if he did die (or existed in the mind of Li Zi Wei). To honour his character though, I thought it would be nice to feature the location of the breakfast shop where he seemed the happiest, watching his crush cycle by. This breakfast cafe (or sandwich store as they call themselves on Facebook) is really a little mum-and-pop roadside breakfast shop that sells traditional Taiwanese breakfast rolls (which are like savoury pancakes often with grilled meat, lettuce and egg) as well as 'Western' breakfasts along a road in Yilan. I have to say I really love the beautiful window grates and hope to be able to take a nice photo of them myself one day.

Outside the Breakfast shop

Photo by pallaviris

Photo by Cy Lin

Photo by Tony Yan

Other side of the Shop

Inside the Breakfast shop

Photo by Gill Huang

Photo by Bear Wu

Photo by Ai Jia Cafe

Photo by Ai Jia Cafe

Menu - Breakfast Burgers, Hashbrowns, Taiwanese Breakfast Rolls

Photo by Kiki Chan

Photo by Bear Wu

Photo by Bear Wu

Photo by smallcookielin3843

Comparison Photos

Photo by Osakaleo's Blog

Photo by Gill Huang

This filming location travel guide was nice and short, but hopefully still fun to read! There are a few other filming locations here in Yilan, but they're for some of the sadder scenes. If I haven't covered a place you were interested in, you can always find it in the list below (It is in Chinese though, so you may need to use a translator.) I'll be posting my last Someday or One Day filming location travel guide for Taipei and Taoyuan soon. Meanwhile you can read about the Tainan filming locations in the links at the very bottom of this post.

Full List of Filming Locations:

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