Tuesday 22 September 2020

Someday or One Day 想見你 Episode 2 Behind the Scenes Translations

I'm translating far into the video From about half way since I prefer the fun, silly interactions between Alice, Greg and Patrick more than other scenes (though I do love the whole cast~)

1. Greg, Alice and Patrick eating Snacks [5:57-7:45]
[Cream caption: Snacks Library]
[Orange caption: Anything you want to eat is here]

Camera person: Really must seize this opportunity to film these
Alice holds up fruit: There's fruit
[Cream caption: Mysterious dragonfruit]
-Cuts to a hand covering something on the table-
Patrick [Blue captions]: Let's ask our audience friends~
Alice laughs
[Cream caption: Mysterious dragonfruit]
Patrick [Blue caption]: On the inside (of the dragonfruit) is it white or is it red coloured?
---Haha, betting on dragonfruit---

Alice raising her hand: I say red
Patrick: I say white
Patrick: Me and Zi Wei say white
-Cuts to a close up the dragonfruit-
[Red and white caption: Red White Big Showdown]
[Yellow speech bubble caption: ?!]
-Cuts to the 3 of them with Patrick talking about Mo Jun Jie's feelings in the drama-
Patrick: Betrayal
[White caption: Jun Jie's tiny inner thoughts]
Patrick: Betrayed a bit by Zi Wei?
Patrick [Blue caption]: 11 o'clock at night at the park...

Patrick [Blue caption]: Playing video games! Yeah
-Cuts to Greg crunching and Patrick still talking-
Greg is eating and his crunching sounds are purposefully loud
Greg eating [Blue and white captions]: Crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch...
Patrick: Yeah...The two of them at night...
Patrick: Went out (together) and didn't let me know...yeah
Alice to Greg [Orange caption]: Be a bit quieter! I can't hear!
-Cuts to Patrick saying more things-
[Cream caption: A rustle, rustle noise]
Patrick: Yeah...it's just...
Greg is opening a packet of snacks and the noise is loud!
[White caption: Rustle, rustle]
Patrick laughs
-Cuts to Patrick trying to talk again-
[White caption: Rustle, rustle]
Patrick: The two of them went out together at night and didn't let me know
Greg is laughing silently because his packet noises are loud and stopping Patrick from talking
---Haha, Greg, you are so annoying!---
Patrick to Greg [Blue caption]: Can you be a bit quieter?

All three of them laugh and Patrick tries to continue
Patrick: The two of them go out at night...
Patrick: And don't let me know
Greg has a new way of distracting. He has opened his snacks and decides to feed Patrick. He reaches over and puts a few strange of dried squid strips towards Patrick's mouth
---Dried squid strips are delicious - it's like a seasoned jerky!---
[Yellow caption near Greg's hand: Feeds]
Patrick opens his mouth and eats the snack, making Greg laugh

-Cuts to camera person asking another question-
[White caption: To adjust again one more time]
Camera person: Is the reason you're angry because...
Greg plucks a lolly out from a packet and starts distracting again
[Yellow caption near Greg's hand: Feeds]
He puts it right into Patrick's mouth and Patrick obediently opens up and eats it
---Haha, this is just too funny---

Camera person [Yellow caption with smiley]:..The person you like likes your friend?
Patricks chews and laughs, with Greg and Alice laughing on the side
-Cuts to Patrick trying to talk again-
Patrick: This is what Zhang Qi En (The bullies at school that Zi Wei and Jun Ji beat up)...
Patrick: The words he actually says are very ruthless 
Patrick: He directly pierces into this reality
Greg is still in silly mode and he grabs 2 apples and pretends to feed one to Patrick
---Greg is like mommy bird feeding baby bird XD---
When Greg puts the apple close to Patrick's mouth, he opens it to accept making Greg laugh
[Yellow caption: Regardless of what is brought over, he will accept]
Greg and Patrick laugh

-Cuts to another question being asked of Patrick-
Patrick: Why would my good brother...
Patrick: ...and the person I like secretly go out?
Alice [Orange caption]: We ran into each other
Greg [Aqua caption]: We ran into each other
---Haha, these 2 when Patrick is trying to be serious---
They animate black lines of despair on Patrick
Alice [Orange caption]: That's right ~

-Cuts to Patrick saying some more things-
Patrick: But (I'm) very unhappy regardless of it's running into each other or whatever else
Patrick: Because I'm not at the scene
Patrick: I also don't know what things they've been doing
Patrick: I only heard after the event, so definitely would...
Patrick: More or less have have misunderstandings
Alice scoffs [Orange caption]: So that why I said you need to have more night time snacking habits
Alice [Orange caption]: That way, I'd run into you~
Greg: That's right

-Cuts to Patrick still talking about Mo Jun Jie's inner thoughts and feelings-
Patrick: He's actually quite special in that...
Greg makes a silent laughing face and is opening packages loudly again
[White caption: Rustle, rustle]
Patrick: Because of this matter...
Patrick: I originally took my trouble to heart...
Patrick: And then, Yun Ru happens to go look for him (Zi Wei)...
Greg is starting make mischief again as he wants to continue feeding Patrick. He's standing up.
[Yellow caption: In the middle of preparing]
Alice sense what Greg is doing and she moves back a little
[Yellow caption: Moves back]
Patrick: So...
Before Patrick can say anymore, Greg pushes a cake into his mouth

[Yellow caption on Greg's hand: Feeds]
Patrick accepts and eats the cake without hesitation, making both Greg and Alice laugh
[Aqua and white caption: Chew, chew]
He tries to talk with his mouth full but just makes sounds, making Greg and Alice laugh harder

[Blue caption: ji3ck vu84gj03?]
-Cuts to Greg and Alice still laughing and Patrick still trying to talk-
Patrick [Blue caption]: Can't record any further
---Haha, Greg succeeds in disrupting this interview---

2. Greg mucking around while they're shooting the scene where Li Zi Wei and Mo Jun Jie get punished for fighting [7:46-8:10]
[Yellow caption: In the middle of setting up butt protection]

Crew member: No need to bind....Because you'll just have a fight...
-Cuts to the Director holding the cane that will be used to smack the boys-
Director: Yes, yes...
He whips the cane
Director [Purple speech caption]: It's good!
Greg [Aqua caption]: Let me see!
Director doesn't want to hand the cane over to Greg
Director [Purple caption]: No need, it doesn't matter...
[Blue and white speech caption: ?!]
Greg: Why not?!
Director whips 
[Purple caption: Sounds out]
Director: It really hurts
Greg edges over to take the cane
Greg: I'm taking a look...at the cane..
Greg with the cane
Greg pretends to be the whipping teacher [Purple caption]: Teacher!
He pretends to swish the cane
Director laughs walking away [Purple caption]: He wants to hit the Director!
-Cuts to Greg playing the the cane himself-

Greg: This really hurts
Camera person: Show us a real one
Greg: This really is not a joke
Greg hits his palm
Greg: It really hurts!
Greg explains tapping the cane on his palm: Hitting this way hurts
He actually hits his hand and makes a face
Greg [White caption]: Ouch!
He hits harder and makes a pained face again
Greg: [Red caption]: Ouch!

3. The boys talking about how it feels being hit in the scene [8:53-9:40]
The camera zooms towards Greg's butt, after they've just filmed their first round of being hit 
Greg rubbing his butt: Hope to become stronger
Greg: Because when the cane hits it...

Greg laughs: You can still feel the strength (of the cane)
Greg: But it's ok...still good...
The camera moves to Patrick
Patrick: (It's just a) Small case, la
Patrick [Blue caption]: Because my butt originally sticks out quite a bit

Patrick [Blue caption]: Yeah, it's very strong!
---Haha, Patrick's assessment of his butt is hilarious---
Greg: In a moment, (we'll) just hit (you) harder
Patrick: But you know...
Patrick: I'm afraid tomorrow we still have to film scenes...yeah
Patrick: So we shouldn't...
Greg: Nah, we won't...
Greg [Blue caption]: Actors have to experience real things... yeah
-Cuts to Greg talking about 'beating up' his classmates-
Greg: Just then, we really hit (him)...Can you see?

The camera moves to, Yang Qiao Shuo, the actor who plays the bully classmate Zhang Qi En
Yang Qiao Shuo makes a face pointing to his face covered in bruises (make-up, of course)
Patrick: Hit to death
[White captions: Wretched, wretched]
Greg: Are you still good?
Yang Qiao Shuo in a baby voice: Big brother was fierce
Greg and Yang Qiao Shuo laugh
Camera person: But still good?
Yang Qiao Shuo: Still good, still good
Patrick: You know when they were watching the play back (of the scene)...
Patrick: Li Zi Wei was...
Patrick: Looking like he was hitting dough
Patrick makes the pounding motions imitating Greg

[Blue caption: Talented fighting technique]
Greg: No...it's Wing Chun
Greg does its own air punching 
[Aqua caption: Zi Wei fighting technique]

4. Patrick and Greg talking about their fake band [11:30-12:54]
Greg and Patrick are sitting under some neon lights in between filming
Greg is mouthing the words to Wu Bai's 'Last Dance' while playing air guitar
Greg mouthing Wu Bai [Cream caption]: ...So close your eyes...

Greg mouthing Wu Bai [Cream caption]: ...Just for a moment ~~~
Patrick laughs
[Blue and white speech bubble caption: ?!]
-Cuts to Patrick and Greg looking at the camera-
Greg: Our band name is...
Greg [Blue caption]: Liu Bai (600)

---Greg is playing on Wu Bai's name. Wu Bai sounds like 500, so Greg has gone up in numbers to make it 600 as Liu is the number 6---
Greg and Patrick laugh
Camera person: What's your main song?
Patrick, still thinking of band names: 1000...2 Wu Bai's (2 x 500's)
Greg: Our main song is...
Greg, spoofing [Blue caption]: First Dance
---Haha obviously to spoof from Wu Bai's Last Dance---

Greg starts singing a spoof version of Last Dance: ...So open your eyes just for a moment....
--Greg is singing silly here, but he actually has a nice voice and has sung some of the OST before on variety shows etc---
Patrick: He is the main singer, I'm on keyboard
Patrick: The other person is the Bass
Greg nods, but disagrees: No, he's the main singer
Greg: Me... I'm...playing the triangle
Patrick laughs as Greg plays an air triangle
Greg: And that thing...
He pretends to shake some air instrument
Greg: Castanets
Patrick laughs: I am tambourines

Greg and Patrick grin shaking their air instruments
-Cuts to Patrick making beat boxing clubbing beats-
Greg: Yeah, (we'll) start a new style of song
-Cuts to Alice doing a scene as young Huang Yu Xuan waving-
[Cream caption: The lead singer]

-Cuts back to the boys beat boxing-
Now Greg is making the tunes with his mouth
-Cuts back to Alice acting as Hung Yu Xuan looking lost and looking for someone-
[Peach caption: Where are my group members??]
-Cuts back to Greg talking to the camera-
[White caption: Who is Huang Yu Xuan looking for?]
Greg: Who's looking for me?
Camera person: The person sitting over there
---Alice is filming her scenes as Huang Yu Xuan opposite them---
Greg laughs
Greg [Aqua caption]: I've already...

Greg goes quiet, so as not to spoil anything, especially the sad bits
Greg: It's best not to say...
Greg: Actually it's quite sad, seeing this sequence of scenes
Greg: When you see her (Huang Yu Xaun) by herself searching...
The scenes shown as Alice searching for Wang Quan Sheng who has disappeared in her nightmares
Greg: This drama she has a lot of crying scenes...it's hard work for her (Alice)

5. Alice and Greg filming the scene where Huang Yu Xuan sees Wang Quan Sheng in the VR [12:55-14:47]
Greg is on the balcony watching Alice filming
Greg [Aqua captions]: As a professional actor...
Greg [Aqua captions]: Moving in an instance is essential
-Cuts to the scene below zooming up-
Crew member calls out: Finish work!
The camera pans to Greg again, in a different position
Greg [Aqua captions]: As a professional actor...
Greg [Aqua captions]: Moving in an instance is essential
Someone must say something in the background...
Greg laughs: replying: Did I?
Greg laughs: Using a different angle to see how this sequence should be filmed
Camera person [Cream caption]: Are you a (observing) ghost right now?
Greg laughs: That's right
-Cuts to the scene of Alice as Huang Yu Xuan looking very sad with Greg singing in the background-
Greg singing 'Last Dance': ...The love that you give...
Greg singing 'Last Dance' [Blue captions]:...I hopelessly await for...

He's looking at Alice as he sings and they're both laughing. They animate black lines of despair on Alice from having to listen to him sing, but butcher the last notes
Alice: Approximately a week from the start of shooting?
Alice: Have shot scenes at the office
Alice: Where I wear the VR googles...
Alice: ...And bid farewell to Quan Sheng...
Alice: And then I enter the VR...
Alice: That's like 3 months later

Alice laughs: I finally...
[Yellow caption: Does the VR goggles possess time-travel functionalities?!]
Alice laughs: I finally meet him
-Cuts to Alice talking about Greg-
Alice points to Greg: He's impatient to finish work 
Alice points to Greg [Orange caption]: An impatient to finish work person 
Greg who was adjusting his clothes: Eh?
Alice points to Greg [Orange caption]: An impatient to finish work person 
-Cut to Greg talking-

Greg: Just then, I was infected by her
Alice: (My) Illness right?
Greg: Yep
Alice and Greg laugh

-Cuts to Alice talking about Yu Xuan-
[White caption: Yu Xuan's Virtual concert]
Alice: Yu Xuan...
Alice: She uses her own ways to bid farewell to Quan Sheng
-Cuts to the scenes of Huang Yu Xuan in the VR with Quan Sheng-
Alice: So she's at Quan Sheng's funeral...

Alice: She doesn't even shed one tear...
Alice: She is pretending to be strong
-Cuts back to Alice and Greg being themselves-
Alice to Greg [Orange caption]: You just called me 'older sister'?!
---Not necessarily meaning sister, but like a term of respect for girls older than you. Alice seems to hate it because she doesn't want to be treated like she's that much older than Greg---
Greg: Huh?
Alice to Greg [Orange caption]: You just called me 'older sister'?!

Greg [Blue caption]: Yes...yes, older sister
Alice [Peach cow caption]: Older sister...you ass...
---Haha, they beep out swearing, but I'm just putting an example of what could be said, though honestly I think they used worse language as Alice is the queen of sass XD---
Greg laughs and repeats what she said getting beeped out also
Greg [Blue caption]: I'm going to tell my mum (Alice said that)
Greg laughs [Blue caption]: Mum...that...
Alice calls out pretending to interrupt his pretend call
Alice [Peach caption] Hey, Mama Hsu!
Greg laughs [Blue caption]: Older sister Alice wants to meet you?!
---Except the word 'meet' and 'older sister' sounds similar and he does a pun and instead of saying 'meet' he pronounces it like 'older sister,' just so he can squeeze the word in again. Just so he can annoy Alice by saying it more times. Haha!---
Alice [Peach caption] Hey, Mama Hsu!
Greg is laughing
Alice retorts, laughing: Hurry. Speak. Come on, call her

Greg laughs: I'm calling her
They both laugh
Alice laughs: Suddenly in the behind the scenes having a phone conversation with Mama Hsu
[Yellow caption: Hi Mama Hsu ~]
Greg: Even videoing this...

Greg: Older sister Alice wants to meet you
----He does the pun where she swaps the word 'meet' with 'older sister' again---
Alice glares at him
[Pink and white caption: Look]
Greg apologises and bows [Blue caption]: Ok, ok...sorry...sorry...
Greg bows once more: Sorry...older sister
Alice pretends to threaten to punch him

End of translation. Love the dry humour and sassing between Patrick, Greg and Alice. Haha, Greg is about as immature as Li Zi Wei in real life XD

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