Wednesday 5 August 2020

Lost Romance 浪漫输给你 Episode 8 Behind the Scenes Translations

Well, you know Qing Feng and Simon are my favourites, so mainly translating Simon-Vivian and Simon-Marcus snippets of this video. Truthfully, there's more of those in this behind the scenes  video anyway! 


1. Filming the Rooftop scene - the antics of Simon and Vivian [0:00-1:19]
Simon: (You can) See far away from this elevated spot 
Simon: This is my work environment every day
-Cuts to Simon saying more random things- 
Simon: They're all at home. I'm here though
-Cuts to Simon waving his arms-
Simon [Yellow caption]: Bright sunlight

-Cuts to Simon staring into the distance-
Simon [Blue caption]: Overlooking everyone?
-Cuts to more Simon silly talk-
Simon: In being a man...
Simon [Violet caption]: Getting more tanned is reasonable. 
---Asian beauty standards are the more fair you are, the more you're considered attractive. It goes for both men and women....but mostly women. It might sound ridiculous, but it's like how in the West, people will literally spray tan till they're Cheesy orange because they believe being tanned is pretty. Go figures!---
Camera person [Red caption]: Take down your umbrella.
Simon looks away, reluctant, and then dips the umbrella down before lifting it back over him
[Orange and white caption]: Only removes for one second
Camera person laughs
Simon: You manly
Simon turns to the camera [Black caption]: Real man

-Cuts to Vivian making silly noises at the edge of building-
Vivian to probably trying to get rid of nerves at this height
Vivian: Blahblahblah
-Cuts to Simon and Vivian standing next to each other-
Simon, referring to himself, who is shorter when Vivian is standing on a platform.
Simon: This is Xiao En's little brother.
Simon and Vivian [yellow caption]: Little En brother (kind of sounds like kind little brother)
---Haha, what is with this crew and their behind the scenes fake families XD---

Simon in a kiddie voice: Hello!
Vivian in a kiddie voice: Hello!
Simon: I've come to visit my older sister's workplace
Vivian in a kiddie voice: Big sister is working hard 
-Cuts to Vivian talking and Simon imitating her-
Vivian: It's really hot
Simon mimics Vivian soundlessly
[Grey caption: Automatically goes on silent mode]

Vivian: Hope big sister can think clearly
Simon continues mimicking her
Vivian: We should try to think more clearly...
Vivian looks at Simon briefly: Go to the room...
She registers that Simon has been mimicking her
Vivian [White caption]: ??
Vivian walks away
Simon [Purple caption]: The receiving reception had issues
[Pink caption: It better be this excuse XD]
Simon: Come back...Big sister, come back!

-Cuts to Simon sitting in a chair-
Simon to Vivian as she comes near: Can you tell what status I have?
Vivian: What status?
Simon [Red caption]: (I am the) Sponsor
Vivian bursts out laughing from the unexpected answer: Sponsor?!
[Grey caption: When did you change status again...]

-Cuts to Simon mucking around-
Simon: It's fun to act out
Simon, acting as pretend sponsor: Don't throw my cash in the trash can
Simon: Ah, my money
Simon pretends to flick cash everywhere which they animate.
[Pink caption: Scatters his cash]

-Cuts to Simon still playing his sponsor role-
Simon pointing to crew member: You've worked hard
Simon pointing to crew member: In a moment...
Crew member: Speak nicely 
Simon: Order some drinks
Crew member: Ok

-Cuts to Director and crew around Simon- 
Simon: Sponsoring everyone to have barrels of water
Director to camera person: Are you still recording?
Director [Orange & Blue caption]: Very important and famous Simon Lian has only come here to sponsor us with barrels of water
---Haha, played by the director, Simon---

Simon: If you love...
Female crew member, laughing: It's not even a (new) barrel, it's been drunken from
They animate sweat drops on Simon
Simon, grinning: Drink whatever you want to drink...
Simon laughs walking away from his role: Order food, order food...

2. The return of Hubby and Wifey and everyone excited for theme park tickets [1:10-1:29]
They're in the lobby filming the scene where Chu Chu asks the CEO out.
Vivian slides next to Marcus and goes into wifey voice: Hubby!
Marcus: Hi

Vivian in cute wifey voice: What are you doing, hubby?
Marcus, unsure how to explain to his wife: I am...
Vivian, pulls the tickets from him, excited non-wifey voice: Theme park!
[Pink caption pointing to Vivian: Wife has good eyes]
Director calls for attention so Vivian gives the tickets back
-Cuts to Simon making eyes at those theme park tickets-
Simon is making silly eyeing looks towards the tickets in Marcus' hands
[Yellow and black captions: Steals a glance]
-Cuts to Simon making a comment-
Simon: That's my favourite
Simon: Theme parks
-Cuts to Simon talking to the camera-

Simon [Blue caption]: I want to go with you guys
[Pink caption: Has learnt to be bad like Xiao En]
-Cuts to Simon being silly cutesy with the tickets-
Simon holding the tickets to his face smirking
[Pink cloud caption: I'm coming]

3. Simon scaring Marcus & Snowbaby [2:10-2:32] 
They've just finished filming the haunted house theme park scene and Aoran and Chu Chu have finished been scared by haunted house staff
Crew member: Let us introduce you - this is our worker.
The person in the mask bows
[Pink caption: A ghost with good manners]
Crew member: Ok
The person who scared Aoran and Chu Chu at the theme park takes off his mask and it's Simon!

[Red caption: The face of the ghost that scares people!!]
Everyone bursts out laughing
[Grey caption: Qing Feng really came..]
Marcus and Snowbaby: Heeyyyy!!
[Purple and black captions: Stunned, Stunned]
Simon laughing: It was really hot
Snowbaby: You scared me to death!
Marcus: Surprised it's you!
Marcus: That sounds you made...
Snowbaby: I thought you were a fake!
Marcus: Very spooky/ gloomy
-Cuts to Simon's response-
Simon: This is all done for the sake of the drama
Marcus: Really?
Marcus [Blue caption]: Not to make extra money?
[Pink caption about Marcus' remark: (condescending) Power~]
Simon, laughing: no, no, no

-Cuts to Marcus saying something to the camera-
Camera person (off-screen I have deducted) asked Marcus if he was scared at the haunted house
Marcus [Lilac & Blue caption]: No way. How could I be scared?
-Cuts back to show Marcus' face at point of scare-
He looked pretty terrified!
-Cuts back to Marcus-
Marcus: Ok, lah
Marcus, admitting defeat: I did get scared!

4. Simon talking Marcus & Snowbaby about the scare [2:47-3:19]
Simon comes up to both Marcus and Snowbaby and does a gesture
They both look at him unimpressed and cricket sounds play to indicate joking awkwardness
[Caption: .....]

Simon: I finally filmed a...
Simon: I feel in this drama, it's my most favourite scene
[Blue caption: How very bad XD]
Simon laughs
-Cuts to Simon quizzing Marcus-
Simon: Did you get scared?

Marcus, earnestly: I did
-Cuts to Simon-
Simon: I kept thinking...that you'd discover that it was me
Marcus: That's right...
[Pink caption: Only now thinks that something was fishy]
Marcus: (He) Disappeared for so long
Simon: Before I put on the costume, I went to the bathroom. And then you came in too. Mucking around, a worker asked me directly, "Eh, didn't you want to dress up as a ghost?" And then I was like...
Simon strikes a face of naivety
[Purple and black caption: Acts naive]
Simon, laughing: I even said, nah, the director was just joking...
-Cuts to Simon offering Marcus a hand-
Simon: I will accompany you guys till the end
---Hahaha, when you crash someone's date and say you'll stay till the end---

Marcus jokingly acts mad and slaps Simon's hand away
Marcus fake mad [Red caption]: Go away!
He laughs and shakes Simon's hand
-Cuts to Simon in the ghost mask-
Crew member: Success!
-Cuts to Simon on a ride-
[Pink caption pointing to Simon: Why is Qing Feng here again?]

5. Simon and Marcus as dinosaurs [4:47- 5:02]
Simon is in a dinosaur egg and Marcus has silly dinosaur arms
Simon [Pink caption]: I am Aoran's child
-Cuts to split screen on both-
[Green caption on Simon: Dinosaur child]
[Green caption on Marcus: Dinosaur father]

[Blue & pink caption: Is it that Aoran's (pose) is hard to say what it is, but Qing Feng's (pose) is definitely a child's?]
Simon: This one is funnier
-Cuts to Simon hiding behind a dinosaur and scaring Marcus-
Simon: Hiii
Marcus walks into a dinosaur
Marcus: I've hit it
-Replays the scene-
[White caption on Dinosaur: Why would you run into someone?!]

6. Simon on his beauty status [5:08-5:13]
Simon: And this morning, I didn't have any make-up done
Simon: Right now it's my natural face
Camera person: You can't tell, really can't tell...

[Pink caption: Just laughs at this sentence]
Simon laughs [Orange caption]: Really? Thanks, la!

7. Simon and Vivian preparing to film in the Cat Maid cafe [5:56-6:14]
Simon is excited about Vivian's costume and reaches out to touch her ears
Simon: Eh, these ears are very cute!

Vivian is pleased with the compliment: Aww
Vivian starts speaking in what I think is another dialect/ or acts as a character not sure  [Purple and pink caption]: Boss will sell it you eh, Meow!
Both Simon and Vivian burst into laughter
-Cuts to Simon talking about what will happen at in the scene-
Simon: And I have to pinch your face
Vivian: Well, the main point is...
Vivian: I have to be pinched

Vivian: It's a bit of an unsatisfied meow meow meow here.
Getting the same idea, both Vivian and Simon start meowing crazily like two angry cats
Simon and Vivian: Meowmeowmeowmeowmeow!
[Brown caption: Two little cats please calm down]
They laugh

-Cuts to Vivian getting up-
Simon: Whoa, it's so hot (today)
Vivian, getting up: Why hasn't the CEO come today?
[Orange caption: Has started to think of the CEO]
Vivian walks up to the back of a crew member who is wearing a shirt with Marcus' face and starts meowing tenderly at the photo.

8. Vivian forgetting all her meows while filming with Simon at cat maid cafe [6:33-7:18]
Vivian as Xiao En: Master
Vivian as Xiao En: Please tell me what you could like to eat today?

Director, correcting her [Red caption]: Meow
Vivian corrected [Pink caption]: Meow
Vivian as Xiao En: Why did you come here to watch me embarrass myself?
Director, correcting her [Red caption]: Meow
Vivian and Simon laugh
Vivian: I've had about 50 mistakes today
Vivian: All them missing a meow
-Cuts to Vivian running another scene rehearsal-
Vivian as Xiao En: Why else? Meow.
Simon as Qing Feng: Can't I just come to see you be cute?

Vivian remembers the confused meow without the line [Pink caption]: Meow?
Both Vivian and Simon look at each other and bust out laughing

Director [Red and white sigh caption]: You (finally) meowed one
Director: This bit you don't need to meow, ok?
Vivian laughing: Isn't it ok?
-Cuts to the filming of the scene which turns into a blooper due to the meows-
Vivian as Xiao En: Please use slowly
Vivian walks away, but she's forgotten to meow again
Director calls out: So....
[Green caption: Croak, croak = monetary fine]
Vivian turns around, reluctantly: Meow
[Pink caption pointing to Vivian: Forgot the meow]
Director: Ok, croak, croak
Vivian frowns and stamps around doing a frustrated dance
-Cuts to what a crew member can see through the camera while filming-
Vivian as Xiao En: Please tell me what you could like to eat today?

Director, correcting Vivian loudly [Red caption]: Meeeeoooowwww!!
Vivian, annoyed she forgot again, does angry cat [Pink caption]: Meeeeoooowwwwwww!!!
Simon laughs
-Cuts to Vivian swatting at something-
Vivian: Mosquito
She claps to catch the Mosquito
[Brown caption: Catching a mosquito is actually like a cat's behaviour] XD
Director: Come now

-Cuts to another blooper take of the scene-
Simon as Qing Feng: Who says I came here to see you get embarrassed?
[Pink caption pointing to Vivian: Forgot her lines again]
After a moment...
Director: Why else?
Vivian as Xiao En: Why else? Meow.
Director: Then Qing Feng responds
Vivian hits her head and Simon laughs

-Cuts to Vivian dancing with a froggy money jar-
Vivian singing a froggy song: Croak, croak, croak, croak, croak, croak
[Green caption: Croak, croak time has arrived!]
---It looks like they were jokingly "fining" Vivian every time she forgot her lines and putting the money into a froggy jar bank. haha---

End of Translations. Haha, that maid cafe scene was worth all the forgotten meows, Vivian.

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