Saturday 25 October 2014

Wrap Up Party for Pleasantly Surprised! 喜歡·一個人殺青酒!

This one snuck up too quickly on me and I'll be sad that there's no longer Plesantly Surprised to look forward to every week :( It looks like the cast and crew had fun though celebrating the end of their filming schedule at Yun Fu Lou 永福樓 restaurant in Taipei.

Being the fun cast and crew, they did get up to some mischief with Lene and Puff sharing a kiss and Lene teaching the boys how to twerk...

I guess that's how they got a bit of the old paparazzi following them with ridiculous gossip about Puff getting too drunk and Jasper and Lene having a fling. (Jasper and Lene are just friends who are represented by the same agency and Lene has a boyfriend.) I guess they just didn't have anything to report that day, huh?

A shame since this cast are so tight knit. But I don't think they cared all that much about the rumours, Surprisingly though, most of the video footage of the party I could find were all gossipy...The only positive and realistic recording of the good bye party can be found here from 19:00. I've translated it, since it was pretty short. 

Commentator: Sanli's popular Friday drama, Pleasantly Surprised, lasted nearly half a year with all the crew working hard filming the series. At long last, it has come to an end. Co-operating day and night, for a long time, allowed this drama crew to develop really good relationships. At the Goodbye feast, everyone not only grasped the time gathering together, but Jasper Liu, led Jolin Chien and Sean Lee, to joke around performing ...(Haven't finished translating the commentator's bit and the bit where Lene teaches the guys to twirk...Sorry for the small screenshots...If a better version of this video can be found, please let me know and I can make better screenshots for you.)

Puff: No...Because, actually, really... because actually during this time, because of my matters, because I still had other jobs (outside of the drama), so often just, that is, perhaps I delayed (filming)...Right... When filming the drama, I would get stuck (with my lines). Then perhaps I delayed everyone's filming time....So I feel very embarrassed. Then, somtimes I was actually tired...

Here, Jasper reaches out, trying to grab the microphone from Puff to say something, but Puff isn't done and just keeps talking though she notices what Jasper is trying to do and laughs. Jasper laughs at Puff's persistence to keep talking.

Puff: That is, I was a bit weak/ exhausted....Then while filming, my condition wasn't all that good. Actually, I really feel very bad about this...I feel very embarrassed about this... right. 

Jolin, joking: Nah, Everytime you got off work, I also took a holiday. I felt very happy. 

Puff is hanging onto the microphone loosely and Jasper takes hold of it from her.

Jasper, joking around too: Right. Actually, we all have to thank Puff. She allowed me to have a lot of free time, so I could go to the He Bin Park or Bei Hai Tunnel (Taiwanese tourist attractions). (Puff is laughing quite a bit here putting her head to her forehead as if to say, guuuyyyssss! She also jokingly hits Jasper). That is, I went for a ride, (things) like that. I really was very happy!

Puff, jokingly exasperated: Thank you!

Jasper, being more serious now: Nah, I feel that filming a drama really is a social interaction/ co-operation with other people. Communication with other people, actually needs more gradual adaptation, co-ordination and personal understanding of unvoiced opinions (which comes after a long period of contact...Jasper only uses two words that means all that in English. Haha). Or everyone, together, just including each other. So I feel actually getting along (with everyone), extremely happy. So (you) don't need to think too much about this, actually. (He means that Puff doesn't need to overthink all her mistakes...He had fun filming with her and everyone. Such nice comforting words!!!)

Commentator: With Jasper Liu, the leading male, being comforting, it allowed Puff to successfully let go of the stone in her heart (the burden she was carrying). Also, as the crew of Pleasantly Surprised have recieved this large degree of welcome/ acceptance/ love, both the leads definately did not forget to be grateful to fans supporting (the show) throughout the journey.

Jasper: I really thank everyone for their support over these 5 months from episode 1, continuously until now, our series' conclusion. Really, thank you all of you because without you guys, we wouldn't (be able to) create such a good series. So...Lastly, it's become from 'liking one person' to 'liking every person' (He uses the Chinese title of Pleasantly Surprised, which is literally 'To Like a Person.' It makes more sense in Chinese because you don't have to change the words to make it make sense :D). I feel really, extremely touched. Thank you, everyone!

He bows...and then carefully passes the microphone to Puff.

Puff: OK. Thank you to every one of the Pleasantly Surprised fans. Some fans would go to our filming location to find us. This was actually very difficult/ a lot of effort for them, because they could be waiting from morning to night, for instance. Actually, we would be very worried. So everyone should be aware of their own safety.

Commentator: With Puff and Jasper's warm words of gratitude towards their fans, this has allowed Pleasantly Surprised to leave on a touching note.

End of translation. Aw, I love these guys and miss them now that the show is completed!

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