Wednesday 20 January 2016

Bromance 愛上哥們 Men's Talk Episode 14 Behind the Scenes Translations

I really liked episode 14 in terms of all the sweet moments and the BTS is no exception. It's filled to the brim with amazing Megan and Baron moments. If you enjoy this video, you can also read the corresponding Show Biz Episode 14 translations

1. Show reel 
Baron is sitting on the bed talking loudly and motioning for Megan to come over 
Baron: Come! 
Baron: Hurry Up! 
Megan is laughing at his fake eagerness to 'get it on'
Baron: There’s no time to lose 
Megan still laughing
Baron: Hurry!

-Cuts to Baron laying on the bed and Megan climbing over him, straddling his back, to give him that awkward massage for the scene- 
Megan: Ok, I’m coming 
She climbs on top and pretends to massage him 
Baron, as Zifeng: Ahhh! 
Megan laughs

-Cuts to Baron putting food over his eyes again- 
Megan, in the background: But he… 
Megan, in the background: Have you eaten with a desk-mate before?

 -Cuts to Megan and Johnny mucking around in the scene at the office where Yanuo calls Zifeng to tell her she needs him- 
Megan challenges Johhny in another dialect of Chinese: Then let’s kiss ---Hahaha. She says this and stands rather aggressively by the way--- 
Johnny: Ah! I don’t want to! 
Johnny: I’m scared! I’m scared! 
Megan laughs

-Cuts to Megan and Johnny holding hands- 
Megan gasps and points to the held hand. She then picks up the phone and pretends to call Zifeng.
Megan in a childish voice: He’s holding my hand!

-Cuts to Megan and Bii singing Epochal Times, the opening song for Bromance which is also Bii’s song with a few other artists including Dino Lee and Ian Chen---
Megan and Bii both singing in duet mode: My stubborn existence...I will welcome my epochal times with open armmmmmssss....

-Cuts to Megan and Bii introducing their musical act- 
Megan: Hello everyone…We are… 
Megan and Bii say their made-up band name in unison: Beauty must come out! 
----I think it’s a combination of their names?? I'm not sure if I got this right or why they picked that name--- 
Megan laughs. 
Bii: Please give us lots and lots of advice/help

2. Filming the scene where Yanuo tells Zifeng she has something that will make his body happy and gives him the awkward massage 
Megan is climbing onto the bed behind where Baron is sitting to get into a massage pose. 
Megan: Is it really this way? 
Director: Who wears their jacket (outer clothes) to go to bed? 
Director: The jacket (outer clothes) must come off
Baron reiterates Megan’s question, pointing to the way him and Megan are sitting. 
Baron: Is it like this?

Director: When the moment comes, no…no 
Baron: No?
Director: When the moment comes, no
Megan: Then how should it be like?
Director: When the moment comes…
Director: After laying down…
Director to Megan: On this side, it’s the equivalent of you using that kind of…
Megan laughing [Red, aqua and yellow caption]: Pressing down method?
Director: Correct
Megan bursts out laughing
Baron turns around to flop down on the bed.
Baron: So my head needs to be like this, yea?
Director: Lay down…
Director enthusiastically: Correct!

-Cuts to the director demonstrating what he wants to film. Baron is laying tummy-side down, while the director shuffles towards him-
Director, instructing Megan: After you pass here...
Baron, looking at the light switch and reaching out to it: Should I close the lights director?
Baron closes the light, making Megan laugh really hard in the background.
Director, putting a hand on the middle of Baron’s back: And then here…
Director: Then you tell her…
Baron, pretending to stutter nervously: That…that…do you want to…?
While the main lights come off, there’s a red-pink light that comes on and this is what Baron notices.
Baron exclaims, laughing [Aqua and red caption]: There’s even mood lighting!

This cracks up everyone, cast and crew, who have also noticed.
The director and Baron laugh so hard they both flop down onto the bed.
[Aqua and yellow caption pointing to them both: Fall over from laughing at the same time]
Megan is laughing pretty hard in the background too.
[Yellow captions: Ha ha ha ha ha]
Baron’s body is shaking so much from laughing.

Director: Then you just say…Do you want to close the lights?
Baron, still laughing: Even has mood lighting…

-Cuts to Baron laying on the bed talking to the director-
Baron [Aqua, yellow and red caption]: Director, I feel that a red sweater, you could wear that.
---He says this because it’d match the mood lighting---
Megan and the Director burst out laughing.
[Rainbow captions: Ha ha ha ha ha]
Megan, tugging her own red jumper, laughing: I think you could
Megan: It’s a bit flexible

-Cuts to Megan and Baron standing together with the director giving them instructions-
Director: So just (be) a bit more shy…(like this)

Director, moving in and making a shy face: There’s still one matter that should be able to make your body very happy.

The expression the director makes is shy, nervous and blushingly girly which looks hilarious on him. Megan and Baron both burst out laughing loudly immediately when they see him.
Megan is laughing so much with an open mouth.

[Green caption: Ha ha ha]

Baron is laughing so hard that he turns around and flops on the bed
[Red, yellow and aqua caption: Falls over from laughing again]
Megan: Director...

-Cuts to Megan pointing at something or someone, rather….The Director-
Megan [Black, yellow and aqua caption]: Director, this is what you thought up!

Megan [Black, yellow and aqua caption]: This is what you planned!
---Hahaha, because in the last Men’s Talk BTS for Episode 13, the Director outed them and told everyone that they were the ones who thought up the nose-biting scene. Actually I think the nose biting scene is more raunchy…given that Baron was literally between her legs. Sorry. Let me slap that M Rating back onto these translations---
Megan is laughing hard and fanning at herself

-Cuts to Baron with his hands on Megan's shoulders while she's laughing-
Megan, laughing: I can't say...

Megan, laughing, hand on mouth:  I just can't say it!
She's laughing a lot and getting so worked up that the director starts laughing out loud.

[Aqua and yellow caption on the director: The Director himself has also flipped over from laughing]

Baron, laughing and still holding Megan firmly by the shoulders: Say it to see the effect!

Megan keeps thinking about it and laughing that she's worked herself into a deep blush.
Baron, laughs pointing at her: Being this way has already made you blush!

Baron: You just say it. Just say it directly!
Megan: No! The Director here, you...
Megan tries to say the line as Yanuo, blushing: And there's one....
Megan starts blushing quite a bit again and puts her hand to her mouth to stop her urge to laugh.
[Yellow and purple captions: Shy, shy, shy]

Megan is pretty much biting her lips and Baron puts his hands on her shoulder again for the scene
---Hahaha, I don't blame her for not being able to say this line to Baron....Imagine having to do it while looking at him?! Ahhhh! I'd faint---
The Director comes in making that shy, girlish expression he wants to see and finishes off Megan's line.

Director: ...other matter that should make your body very happy....

Megan sees the Director's face and bursts out laughing huddling.

Megan: So embarrassing!
Baron laughs and the Director laughs loudly.

-Cuts to Megan and Baron standing next to each other when the director says..l-
Director [Green caption]: Allow your faces to blush/ become redder
Director: This one will hurt very much
Baron turns to Megan and they're both grinning

-Cuts to Megan and Baron looking at each other-
Then Baron wonders off to look at things in the room, on the table.
Baron: There's scissors over here
Baron: We have...
Baron: There's also a...
Baron: This one...
Baron: Should be...
Baron, with a little laugh: A flashlight?
Baron: There's also...
[Pink, Aqua and yellow caption: Tools as a means of achieving a blush 1. Scissors 2. Flashlight]

Baron to Megan: What method do you feel you'll use in the end to give feeling (Gei Yu) (to act out this scene)?
Baron: You don't need to...
Baron: You're sure you have a method to give feeling (Gei Yu)?
Megan [Yellow caption]: With bare hands
[Aqua, Aqua and yellow captions: With bare hands, with bare hands]
Megan nods firmly.

Baron: Really?
Baron: Because you're the one giving feeling (Gei Yu)...
Baron to Megan shrugging and trying to casually fix up his shirt [Yellow and red caption]: If you can give feeling (Gei Yu) to me, it would be a very big help.
---This is very sweet. This giving of feeling to each other for scenes. And the way Baron is asking it from her---

Megan smiles and nods: Ok
Baron grinning: Ok
Megan [red caption]: I will do best!!
---Do her best---

-Cuts to Baron talking to Megan about the scene where he take off his coat-
Baron: Regarding my....
Baron [Black and yellow captions]: Empathy and shy heart...
Baron: (You) Don't want it at all
Baron saying Yanuo's lines when she tells him loudly to take off his jacket..
Baron loudly [Yellow caption]: Take it off!
Megan copying him, loudly [Aqua caption]: Take it off!
Baron loudly [Red caption]: Don't want any of it

Baron [Red caption]: There is no type of thing like this! (where you keep your jacket on in bed)

Baron loudly: No!
Megan loudly: No!

-Cuts to Megan and Baron practicing for the scene where Yanuo presses her elbow into Zifeng’s back- 
Megan: I’m coming 
Megan pretends to press down and Baron flails his arms and legs 
Baron, pretending to be in immense pain: Ahhh!!! 
Megan laughs as Baron starts flexing his back and makes different sounds of pain 

Megan presses her arm down to massage more 
Megan, as Yanuo: A big guy like you, being like this, while getting a massage is really embarrassing

[Aqua,yellow and black caption: The mood of this expression feels like it's very duplicated]

Megan, as Yanuo: There’s also the other side. Come now. 
Baron, as Zifeng screws up his face in pain and yells: That’s ok, that’s ok, that’s ok, that’s ok! Baron, as Zifeng, kicks his legs and pounds on the bed in pain. He falls on the mattress pounding it continuously, making Megan laugh.

-Cuts to the Director instructing Megan- 
Director: Just then when you were in the scene with him 
Director: Your arm on this side 
Director: Was already preparing to move... 
Director: Like you wanted to lift it up (already) 
Director: You could see it very clearly 
Baron laughs, sitting up.
Megan explains: No…Just then, I didn’t realise that I was in the scene 
Baron flips around on the bed and gets into the position Yanuo would be in with an elbow in the massage position 
Director: Yes (you’re still there in the scene) 
Director: This side is still (visible) here
Baron, still posing in the massage position [Aqua caption]: Do as you please 
Baron [Yellow caption]: Hurry up 

Baron laughing [Aqua and red caption]: I’ve already prepared my old grandmother position 
Baron starts laughing and falls back onto the bed 
Megan who watching him with a grin says: Hey! I was looking for a position, trying my hardest to give you ---Haha, she’s mucked up her words, so she says it again--- 
Megan [Pink caption]: Give you feeling (Gei Yu) 
Baron: Ha ha ha

-Cuts to Megan, as Yanuo, flipping Baron, as Zifeng, over on the bed to give him a back massage- 
He flops over as if she’s used a lot of strength and just tossed him over like a rag doll 
---Hahaha, good acting Baron--- 
Baron, as Zifeng: Then… 
Director [Aqua and red caption]: ???
---I literally have no idea what this means, nor does dictionary make sense. I suspect it's in another dialect of Chinese?---
Director: Give the impression that your waist will go down low 

Megan, loudly protesting, with a grin: In a moment, I will…!!!
Director: Your ass will then stick out 
---Haha, before you wonder what’s going on, he wants her to look seductive and crawl like a cat onto the bed where Zifeng is--- 
Megan: In a moment, I’ll (do it)…!!! 
Director: Be very much like the catty girls that Linda (who plays Zifeng’s mum) mentioned 

-Cuts to Megan listening to someone talking- 
Linda (Zifeng’s mum), in the background: …No…I described it very correctly…right? 
Megan, exasperated from everyone giving her advice: Ok, ok! 
She does a catty crawl onto the bed 
Megan, loudly: Is this right? 
Director and Linda cheering loudly [Yellow, aqua, pink and white captions]: Right, right, right! Baron is crawling backwards on the bed on his elbows, as Megan crawls forwards, on her 'paws.'
[Pink, red and yellow caption: Can't wait to hurry up, immediately swings up]
---Still not sure what that red word means??---

Linda: Your ass needs to stick out more
Megan laughs, hanging her head defeated!
Director: Do you even know how to do it?
Megan laughs standing up covering her face
[Pink, yellow and white caption: Very shy, la! Howls!]
Director: Do you even know how to do it?
Baron stands up and then flops back onto the bed

-Cuts to Megan tapping the mattress-
Crew member: Move over a bit. Like this.
Megan starts laughing and slaps Baron on the leg: Don't look at me, ok?
[Green caption: Embarrassed]
Megan laughing and covering her face with her hands: And you even use...
Megan laughing [Aqua and yellow caption] That mocking look at me!

Baron, laughing: I'm...I'm...
Megan, laughing and complaining: You keep using that mocking gaze to look at me!

Baron: I'm not...I'm not...
Megan faux crying: I feel like I'm inferior...
Baron [Yellow and red captions]: I'm treating myself as a customer

---Hahaha, that word in chinese can mean 'guest' or 'customer'...but since it's Baron and Megan, better to go the dirty route---
Baron [Aqua and red caption]: In a moment, I'll mark a customer's feedback sheet (for your services)
---Hahahaha, I knew Baron would mean 'customer'...these two----

Baron [Blue and white caption]: This time, I really am very absorbed in this

Baron: In a moment, I'll mark a customer's feedback sheet
Baron: I'll be absorbed in this

3. Filming the prawn peeling scene where it's a competition between Team Megan and Baron and Team Bii and Katie [From 3:47-5:27]
Everyone is sitting around the dinner table having hot pot where Megan and Katie will have to peel prawn as their characters for Baron and Bii's characters.
[Yellow, white and red caption: Team Du-Pi 0 vs. Team Qing-Na 3]
[White and pink caption: Hissssss]
Bii and Katie, Megan and Baron are laughing [Yellow captions]: Hahahahaha
Katie yelps [Purple caption]: Can't peel it!
Katie yelps [Red caption]: Too burning!

-Cuts to Bii talking to Katie while everyone is still sitting around the dinner table-
Bii [White and pink caption]: Broken the romance
[Black and red caption: Points taken off!]
Joseph Hsia (who plays Uncle Tian) is laughing: She's already burned to death!
[Yellow, white and red caption: Team Du-Pi 0 vs. Team Qing-Na 2]
Megan, laughing: Then I'll first fish up one
Baron, excitedly: This side has the taste

Baron to Katie: You have to quickly do one too (peel a prawn)
Baron: And then, I'll tell her (Megan) to burn herself

Baron: And then the two of you will be there like this...Ooohh!!
Baron pretends to peel the prawns quickly while burning himself
Megan, now excited: A competition to see who can peel it first
Everyone is laughing/ grinning, especially Baron and Joseph.

-Cuts to everyone still sitting around the dinner table-
Baron to Megan: And then you two should set yourselves against each other.

Megan, quickly in competitive mode to Katie: Whoa! You're dead! You're dead!

Megan pretends to peel really quickly

Megan: Quick! Quick! Quick! Quick! Quick!
Baron starts cheering her on and supporting her, making gangster fingers.
----Like, yo, that's my girl. Haha----

Megan pretends to throw the prawn into Baron's bowl: There! I've finished peeling!
Baron, excitedly: Yes!
---Hahaha, this reminds me of Zifeng's Yessss----
Baron pretends to eat it quickly [White caption]: Ones throws, one drinks, mutual understanding is beautiful
[Red caption: Scores 2 points!]
Megan, excitedly: Yes!
Baron, excitedly: (Now for) The Second one!
Megan is laughing, and so is Baron
[Yellow, white and red caption: Team Du-Pi 2 vs. Team Qing-Na 2]

Katie: You have to add more food!
Katie: Have to add even more food!
Katie: Peel more food

-Cuts to everyone around the table still with Baron talking-
Baron: Actually there is a type of even more disgusting thing (we could do)

Baron: That we could directly let Uncle Tian suspect us with...
Baron: That is when we start peeling the prawns...
Baron: We always peel open the prawn heads and then suck in...

Baron: That, what's it called...that...
Baron [White and aqua and yellow caption]: Make landmark: Sucking on the head/ Creek head (?)
---The characters are for the work creek? Maybe that's what they thought Baron meant? Maybe it means something in slang?---
Baron: So directly after you peel...

Baron: Just, you know...

Baron: You suck on it first and then give it to me to suck
---Gutter mind kicks in again---
Megan, getting it slowly: Awwww!!!
There's a moment where everyone is struck by Baron's idea. Joseph starts laughing loudly.
---I feel like everyone is, that sounded dirty---
Megan protesting with a laugh: Nooo, let's not!
Megan a little more seriously: Nooo, let's not
But Baron pretends to suck on an invisble prawn in his hand

Then jokingly, he sticks a hand out towards her...

To her mouth pretending to give her an invisible prawn to suck and Megan pretends to suck it anyway, with a grin.
---I love how these two are always in sync. They'll always understand each other's movements and continue acting out a joke together!---

Bii and Joseph are laughing quite a bit and Katie makes a face
Katie: Not aesthetically beautiful, ok? Uncle will be angry
Baron, retorting: How is it not?
Baron: This is very sweet, eh!

-Cuts to Megan holding out a prawn to Baron-
Megan, practicing as Yanuo: Do you want any more?

Bii: I already know so I have to...
Bii [Aqua and white caption]: Have to...Roll my eyes?
Bii rolls his eyes with attitude, making Megan laugh

[Aqua and yellow caption: Qingyang attacks!]
[Black and red caption: Du-Pi loses 1 point]

-Cuts to the filming of the prawn peeling scenes and the unofficial competition between Du-Pi and Qing-Na-
[Yellow, white and red caption: Team Du-Pi 1 vs. Team Qing-Na 2]
[Black and yellow caption: Prawn Peeling Competition]
[Red Caption: START!]
Katie, as Nana, starts peeling her prawn, but the camera shifts over to Megan
Megan smiles ruefully at the camera.
[Yellow and aqua caption: I still can't start]

Baron, as Zifeng: Psst
He's flicks his eyes to Katie, Nana, and then glares at Megan, Yanuo, with a look that says, I want what Qingyang is getting.
Megan as Yanuo smiles shyly as she understands what he wants and then reaches into the hot pot soup to pick up a prawn,
Megan, as Yanuo, starts peeling the prawn

Baron, as Zifeng, is looking at her lovingly and then impatiently as she peels.
But what Baron is really thinking is...
[Aqua and yellow caption: Hurry up! She's quickly about to finish peeling it all]
Megan, as Yanuo, finishes peeling the prawn and puts it into his plate.
Baron, as Zifeng, looks smug as he get his love prawn from Yanuo.

[Aqua and yellow caption: This smug smile (really) is...]
Baron, as Zifeng: Thank you
Megan, as Yanuo, smiles shyly at Baron, Zifeng
But she's also sneakily looked across the table at some point and realised that she's beaten Katie in the prawn peeling competition.
Megan then turns to the camera grinning triumphantly and cheekily.

-Cuts to Megan and Baron still sitting at the table together-
Director: Cut! Come
Director: These two here are going to add one more (shoot)
---I'm guessing it's Bii and Katie---
Crew member: That...
Megan has prawn-y fingers, but she wants to get Baron's attention, as he's zoning off listening to the crew member talk, so she knocks his arm with hers.

Baron looks over at her.
Megan happily and proudly, the competitive spirit in her high [Red caption]: I won
[Red caption: Scores 3 points!]
Baron, looking mildly impressed: You're right.

Katie exclaims, from the other side of the table: How did you peel the prawn so quickly?!
Megan throws her head back from laughing happily.
[Yellow, white and red caption: Team Du-Pi WIN vs. Team Qing-Na 2]
Baron leans over and puts his arm around Megan's shoulder, nodding solemnly as he looks into the camera.

Baron [Aqua, yellow and red caption]: A man's pride is very important

Megan makes a cool, damn-straight kinda face as she holds her prawn
Megan [Aqua, yellow and aqua and yellow captions: He he he]

With the hand that Baron has around Megan's shoulder, he squeezes her shoulder and reaches up and pats her gently on the other side of her face, just above her jawline.
---Ah, I don't know why this gets to me. But it just does. It's such a loving little gesture that makes me love watching the both of them.It feels like Baron will just use any excuse to touch her face---

Baron [Blue caption]: Very clever/ obedient!
[Red caption: So smart]
---This is also cute. It's kind of what you say to a kid, but it's also a compliment---

Megan, all cool with swagger: Must win, like I've said (before)
---Hahaha, she's so competitive. I feel like I can relate to her :D---

4. Filming the intense, 6 minute make-out session between Yanuo and Zifeng [From 5:45 - 7:50]
Megan and Baron are already at the location for the make-out scene even though it's not dark yet, running through the scenes with the director.
---Wow. That's dedication. They must have been there for ages the night this was shot!---
They're trying to sort out when Baron should spin Megan around.
Megan to Baron: So I'll just see what time (you)...approximately...
Baron: Just here...just here...
Baron is moving around behind Megan
Megan: I still...I still...I still have to think...
Baron suddenly spins Megan around and Megan screams because she wasn't expecting it.
She covers her mouth, laughing from shock.
The Director laughs and Baron breaks into a grin.

-Cuts to Baron, as Zifeng, holding Megan, as Yanuo by both shoulders-

Baron leans in close and pretends to kiss Megan, air-kissing near her mouth, making a loud kissing sound.

Megan squeezes her eyes shut in fear or shock as her character.
Baron, says playfully to the camera: She's been scared again. How strange.

Baron does the air-kissing near her cheek this time and Megan still squeezes her eyes shut.
Director, starting to run through the actions: First is, kiss a bit...
Baron leans in a little closer towards Megan pretending
Director: And then afterwards...

-Cuts to Megan and Baron running through the scene where Yanuo initiates the kiss with Zifeng-

Baron, as Zifeng, is standing there looking down at Megan, as Yanuo, with a look of love.

Megan, as Yanuo, leans in close and gives him a pecking air-kiss.
[Pink heart shape caption: Chu! ---As in the kissing sound---]

Baron laughs: You're just giving me a 'Chu'?!
---A 'Chu' is a light kiss, a peck almost if you will---
Megan laughs.
Baron, hitting his script on the ledge in faux anger [Red and yellow caption]: We already kissed so many times and you still only give me a 'Chu'?!
---Haha, someone wants Megan to initiate a deep kiss on him---

Megan: That's not the same!

Baron: Are you Chupi/Chubby, eh?
----He's making a play on the sound of the dog's name, Chupi or Chubby in English---

-Cuts to Megan, as Yanuo, and Baron, as Zifeng, making out quite heavily, fully engaged in each other's lips-
They're kissing and kissing to the point even where it makes a kissing sound.

Director [Green caption]: Cut!
[Aqua and yellow captions: It's a cut, It's a cut, It's a cut]
The thing is, Megan hasn't heard that it's a cut and she's still kissing Baron rather intensely as her character.

Director: Tightly inclined pair
Baron, on the other hand, has heard and eventually taps Megan on the back to let her know...but he doesn't pull away immediately either from what I see. When they do pull away after a final kiss,they kind of look at each other with a grin.
Director: Come, from the first take...
Director: That...You two, that...
Megan looks like she's limping to the corner, holding onto Baron's shoulder for a moment
Baron [Aqua and yellow caption] She's kissed until she's lost feeling in her legs
---A cramp, essentially---
Director, sounding skeptical: Are you for real?
Baron, points to Megan: She's kissed until she's lost feeling in her legs
[Red and peach caption: Mysterious sound]
Baron, is making a 'cool' face and dancing about: She's kissed until she's lost feeling in her legs
[Peach captions: Is your meaning that you're proud of yourself (for making her kiss until she's lost feeling in her legs) ??]
Director, goes back to talking about the scene: From the first take after Baron spins her around...

-Cuts to Baron, as Zifeng, spinning Megan, as Yanuo roughly around to start kissing her-

Baron, as Zifeng, grabs Megan, as Yanuo, and starts kissing her roughly, fully over her mouth before pulling away and smiling. But then Baron remembers something.
Baron to director: Just then, this isn't what (we said) we'd do...
Baron: Sorry!
Baron says playfully [Aqua caption]: I didn't do it on purpose to make some more opportunities for myself
---Haha, making more opportunities to kiss Megan? Smart boy---
Megan and the director laugh.

Baron still joking and waving an apology: I wasn't doing this...Sorry!...
Megan starts laughing
Baron: Sorry...I was wrong...I was wrong...
The Director laughs loudly at Baron's apology
Megan: And no one said anything about you. You just cued yourself on this one
---She means that the director didn't say that it was that take might have passed if Baron hadn't said anything. Which means that he just wanted to do another kissing take---
Baron laughing: Hey, I really made a mistake!
Baron, still laughing: It's not the same as before
Baron: I was wrong...Sorry...Sorry!
Director: Ok! Another take!
Director [Blue caption]: The first time I've encountered this
Director [Blue caption]: Someone giving themselves an opportunity (to kiss more)

---Haha. Have I mentioned that Director Chen is my hero for all the troll comments he makes? I love that he just plays along and makes Megan and Baron get into as many compromising positions as possible. It also seems like they all have a really good working relationship with an equal amount of give and take, work and fun!---

-Cuts to the filming of the first, rough kiss again-

Baron, as Zifeng is kissing Megan, as Yanuo intensely, pushing her back so that she's falling forward into him.

Their lips are making a kissy sound and they're swaying back and forth.

Admittedly, he's kissing pretty loudly, continually kissing forward on her mouth, loudly, before pulling away with a pucker. Megan, as Yanuo, looks at him in surprise as he smiles fondly at her.

Director [Blue caption]: And another take!
Baron looks surprised and dazed, like what-did-I-do-wrong?!
[Black and yellow caption on Baron: !!]
Megan is laughing a lot at his expression

Director: Another take!
-Cuts to Megan talking to Baron-
Megan: Your face just then was completely (like this)
Megan huddles, pretending to be Baron in a tiny voice: It was her, not me!
Megan laughs.

-Cuts to Baron, as Zifeng with his hands on Megan, Yanuo's, face, kissing her strongly-

He lets go, smiles at her and Megan starts trembling and laughing.

This triggers Baron to laugh as he looks at her.
Megan, laughing: Wait a moment...wait a moment...

Baron is laughing at her reaction: What's up with you?
Megan has her hands to her lips.
Megan: A bit too much....

Megan [Red caption]: You used a bit too much strength!
Baron is laughing, embarrassed, as he puts a hand on her shoulder.

Baron: Oh, Oh, I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!
Director [Blue caption]: A lot like an octopus
Megan laughs.
Baron starts laughing: Octopus?!
Megan and Baron are laughing pretty hard, both red in the face.
Megan: What is this?!
Baron replying to someone behind who heard the earlier comment: I didn't say it!
Baron, laughing and waving it off: I wasn't the one who said octopus!

Baron goes back to patting Megan's shoulders: I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry....
Megan, laughing: It doesn't matter

Baron: Tako!
---It's the Japanese word for Octopus, for those who didn't know---

-Cuts to a close up of Megan, as Yanuo, and Baron, as Zifeng, about to kiss passionately and continuously-

Baron leans in and kisses her top lip, with a short teasing kiss.

He then leans back towards her again, kissing her full on the mouth, his lips covering hers entirely.

-Cuts to the kiss where Baron, as Zifeng, lifts up Megan, as Yanuo-
Megan and Baron are in a deep kiss as their characters.

Megan, Yanuo's, hands are buried in Baron, Zifeng's, hair, while his arms are around her back.

They kiss and kiss.

Director: Cut! Ok. Come.
Director: That one.
Megan and Baron stop and drop immediately, though they're still looking at each other with subtle grins on both their faces.
Baron to Megan [Red caption]: You Do Best
---Haha, for English speakers who wonder, he probably means, you did very well or you did your very best---

Megan grins playfully, pointing to herself: Me?

She pats him on the arm casually.

Director: Ok
Baron: Feedback sheet
Baron: Bring over the feedback sheet
Baron pretends to start ticking an invisible feedback sheet in his hands.
Megan is laughing

Baron: Tick everything
Megan is grinning and rolling her eyes in the background.
Baron [Red tick captions]: Tick, tick

Megan: Extremely...
Reporter: Extremely what?
Megan [Red tick captions]: Extremely good, extremely good

End of Translations. I still can't get over the mood lighting. Nothing says love like mood lighting. Also, the way that these two play games, make each other laugh and support each other? Death. We're going to overdose on their sweetness.


  1. You're amazing and my feelings... MY FEELINGS FOR YOU ARE REAL, JENL!!!! <3 <3

    (thank you so much x10000000)

    1. Hahaha! Thanks Dawn! You're the best :) Thanks for coming over to read all the time. My feelings for you are real too :D hahahaha

  2. I m laughing each time they were laughing! You have a knack, a special knack for making it feel real. I felt like i was watching the whole scene again.

    1. Hehe Thank you, thank you! Glad you enjoyed it all!

  3. QUOTE "Megan and Bii say their made-up band name in unison: Beauty must come out!
    ----I think it’s a combination of their names?? I'm not sure if I got this right or why they picked that name--- "

    I think I understand this LOL; it's definitely a pun, on both their names and a parallel of the opening theme's alternative song title, that actually makes sense on its own. So I found out their made up group name is a real proverb, 言出必行 (Yan Chu Bi Xing), which means do as said or describing someone who keeps their promises. But the subtitles didn't use 言 but 妍 from Megan's Chinese name 賴雅妍 (Lai Ya Yan). And obviously 必 sounds like Bii.

    This parodies the song title of the opening theme song for Bromance, Xin Shi Dai (心時代). It is by Bii, Andrew Tan, Dino Lee and Ian Chen, but the song name is also called (Shi Zai Bi Xing 3) 勢在必行3, to commemorate their third collaboration. The first collaboration was only between Bii and Andrew and their song was called 勢在必行 (Shi Zai Bi Xing). Not only that, Shi is for Andrew's Chinese name 陳勢安 (Chen Shi An) and Bii is for Bii's names 畢書盡 (Bi Shu Jin); this parallels Bii and Megan pairing perfectly. This video summarizes the history of 勢在必行 (Shi Zai Bi Xing) very well including a live performance of the Bromance opening theme at the end.
