Saturday 9 January 2016

Bromance 愛上哥們 Show Biz Episode 11 Behind the Scenes Translations

I'm currently on holidays in Taipei and will be going live to another Jasper event (a small present I gave myself for my birthday a few days ago)... So look out for another fan meet story! I obviously can't blog properly in the meantime, can't add any pictures, because I don't have my laptop on me and I'm doing everything on iPad and I want to see Taipei, so I'm only going to be blogging in the early morning or late at night when I can't sleep.

In the mean time, I am going to start on some of those AMAZING Show Biz videos!

Edit: I'm finished now with these translations obviously...Hope you enjoy them! And if you liked these translations for the Show Biz BTS video for Episode 11, why not read the corresponding Men's Talk Episode 11 translations too? 

1. Filming the scene picking up Pi Yanuo for the date
Commentator: After watching (the video of) Baron Chen's 4D world, (we're) afraid Bromance fans will be deeply in trouble. (We) can't step back from being involved! So Show Biz behind the scenes little reporter must first bring Bromance fans back to a universe a little closer the Du-Pi pairing. 

Commentator: As a result, we arrive at this sequence where the ambiguous male, Du Zifeng, brings Pi Yanuo to ride motorcycles as a way to enjoy the day and drive away her cares.

Commentator: An extremely sweet scene so we came to visit the actors on set on.

Commentator: (We) Unexpectedly see...

Commentator: Some NG (No good or blooper) grand occasions appear that would be rare to find in history! 

Commentator: That's right! The little crew behind the scenes has already seized some notes. 

-Cuts to Baron trying to talk through the helmet and failing-
Megan bursts out laughing.
Director [red captions]: Cut, cut, cut
Baron is struggling to push up his helmet.
[Green captions: Embarrassing, embarrassing, embarrassing]
Megan is still laughing while Baron has collapsed on the motorcycle.

Director: The other side, the other side
Megan: Don't cry, don't cry
Baron finds out where to lift the helmet and does it.
Director: Correct, correct, correct
Megan: Just then you were very cool

-Cuts to Megan as Pi Yanuo screaming when she realises the cyclist is Zifeng-

Megan as Yanuo screams and jumps about: Du Zifeng!
She rushes over to hug Baron as Zifeng
Megan as Yanuo: How is it you?!

Megan as Yanuo hugging him tightly and jumping up and down: You're very cool!!!
Megan as Yanuo lets go of her embrace and almost trips on the curb
[Red caption pointing to Megan: Twisted ankle bloopers/laughing scene]
Megan: Yo-you're really cool!
Megan laughs embarrassed.

Megan: Sorry!
Director says something
Megan: Ok

2. Filming the motorcycle date scene
Megan and Baron riding the bikes and being pulled along.
Director: Megan, can you step on the gears in this position?
Director: Are you able to step on it?
Megan: Yeah!
Director: Step on it going forwards...correct 
Director: Good...slowly reach up...
Megan who is riding the motor bike, with baron sitting on seat behind her, starts screaming from dread and excitement.
Director: Press down on the clutch
Baron is grinning at the directors instructions. 
Megan is smiling out of relief at stopping: I'm pressing on it

Crew member: Strike it in the intervals between. You've stepped on the gears now, right?
Director: Don't step on it! Just press on the clutch, that's good.

-Cuts to Baron directing Megan while they're riding on the motorbike-
Baron: Look at the front!
Megan: Oh!
Baron laughing, says to the camera: Are we filming right now?
Director: Yes, yes, yes. We're filming.
Baron laughing: We're filming right now?!
Director: Come now. 5, 4, 3, 2...

Commentator: Filming this sequence of the drama, looks to us that (the scene) has impressive hotness. But as a matter of fact, if they want to ride this 400kg weighted motorbike properly, it really is not easy!

Commentator: So for safety's sake, both the Du-Pi pairing were sitting in top of the motorcycle, being dragged along on a cart. Really relying on their acting skills to ride on the motorcycle. But did everyone realise this?

[Red and white caption pointing to Megan: Abnormal excitement]

Commentator: Because on that day, the sunshine was so bright,  the Du-Pi pairing could not open their eyes too widely. Zifeng's hair was also violently blown about by strong winds....

Commentator: (Being a) Super Saiyan person also did not decrease their good spirits. Because they have a shared objective.

Commentator: That is to exchange their secret location.

---A Super Saiyan is a powered up super human form of the characters from the manga/anime Dragon Ball Z. The character's hairs flies up to the top when they power up as Super Saiyan----

-Cuts to Baron and Megan joking together at the motorbike filming scene-
Baron to Megan: This is a place I accidentally discovered. 
Baron: Since we went to our secret location yesterday
Baron: After I discovered that the road had been closed off and was very hard to go to...

Megan bursts out laughing at his joke
Baron, and Megan chipping in: Then I changed it to here
Baron, laughing and waving his hand: This place still hasn't been discovered by other people.

-Cuts to Megan talking to the camera with her motorbike helmet on-
---Can I add that she looks so damn cute like this? Megan, I think I love you. Too much. Words cannot even express how much I am crushing on you---
Megan: I feel like this place is really pretty 
Megan: Can we change to a new secret location?
Camera person: You don't want to go to that (other) place again?
Megan: This place is closer
Megan: The wind is also not as big 
Megan, indicates to the sea with one hand: Furthermore, there's also the sea

-Cuts to Baron and Megan sitting on the motorcycle with Baton folding his arms across his chest-
Crew member: Super Saiyan person!
Baron [Green, red and grey caption]: This planet was accidentally discovered by me
Megan is laughing and they've put a Super Saiyan cartoon on Baron as he's saying his words.
Baron [Blue and yellow caption]: I still haven't brought any other Saiyans over (to this place)

The camera zooms in to Baron and Megan on the motorbike. They've put a blonde Super Saiyan hair sticker on top of Baron's hair.
Baron [Purple, yellow, lime and blue caption]: I hope that afterwards, no matter if it's all of my style, or all of my powers/strength, I can share them with you.
Baron laughing [purple, blue and green caption]: Ha ha ha

Commentator: Not only does Chu Chu (Baron) have Zifeng's small drama sequence of bringing (Yanuo) to a place that he has never brought anyone else to...

Commentator: As soon as the keyword appears ---The keyword being secret hiding place---  Yanuo, who on the inside, already has 70% of the girl's behaviours, starts to feel restless and begins to get suspicious of his whole pattern (of behaviour?).

Commentator: She also unexpectedly throws herself into acting this out, creating a little drama sequence to anger Du Zifeng in just a second. But can she succeed?

3. Megan and Baron practicing the "Can I try it?" misunderstanding scene and fooling around
Megan and Baron are having one of their usual bantering discussion about how to play out the scene.
Baron to Megan: I'm telling you, just say it directly now

Baron: ...You still wait a bit
Baron: You just say, "I'd like to try it"  let it be
Megan still looks a bit doubtful

Baron: You say "I'd like to try it for a bit"
Megan: No....I just think try for a too short?
Megan tries another spin on the words. She steps up to where Baron is standing and looks at him shyly in Yanuo character.
Megan, as Yanuo: Can I...?
Baron: You need to say "try for a bit"
Megan: Have to say "try for a bit?"
Baron: Correct. Have to say "try for a bit"

Megan turns away and then turns back shyly in character.
Megan as Yanuo: Can I...?
But she's still not as forward as she could be.

Baron [red and black captions]: Why do you have to withdraw? Why do you have to withdraw?
The director laughs at Barons bossy tone.
Baron putting a hand on Megan's shoulder: Stand in the original place that would be good...right
Megan: So don't go forward?
Baron: Because the one who misunderstands is me
Baron: If you're like this, then I won't have a motive (to move closer)
He comes over to show her what he wants to do which is to look tenderly at her and take her by both shoulders 
Baron: I say "What is it (that you want to try)?"

Baron: And then you say and only then do I feel embarrassed
Megan, getting it: Oooh
Baron: Right, right, right
Megan: Then if it's like this, then how will you know what it is (that I want to try)?
Baron, getting mock annoyed: That's it - I just don't know what it is!
They put a little steam animation from Baron's face.
Baron: Right. That's why I'd get embarrassed

-Cuts to Megan and Baron standing on the cliff fooling around before filming the misunderstanding scene-
Camera person: Aren't there too many private locations/sceneries (you guys have)?
Baron: This is the place that I accidentally discovered
Baron: I haven't even taken other people here yet
---Haha, I'm not sure if he's just practising his lines or being a troll like he usually is---
Megan, pretending to look worried: So your other places, have you taken other people there?

Megan: Our other secret location, have you taken other people there before?
The Director laughs.

Megan continues on, enjoying playing the worried girlfriend: Have you taken Qingyang there before?

Baron pretends to be angry and hit Megan on the head.
Megan laughs [black, red, white and blue caption]: Ow, In one second has provoked Du Zifeng! 

-Cuts to Megan continuing to play act the worried girlfriend-
Megan: Then your other friends, have the been here before?
Megan: Were there girls?
Megan: Then, were there guys?
---Megan is using a super cute faux worried voice. I just love her---

Megan: Then did you guys go alone or with a group of people?

Megan: Did you drive (a car) or motorcycle?
[Green, white and red: Still not finished???]

Megan: Was it driving?
Megan: If you drove, what kind of car did you drive?

Megan: Sports car? Sports car must mean two people
Megan: Recreational car can be four people
Baron who has been standing next to her this whole time and zoning out when she's been speaking, drifts away. The camera person, seeing this, laughs.
Megan: Or...
Camera person, laughing: He's walked away...
Megan laughs.
[White, red and black caption on Baron: Flees!]
Camera person: Then why would you walk away?

-Cuts to Baron talking to the camera about why he's not annoyed by Megan's worried girlfriend act-
Baron: This type of thing with girls...that is, if you've accompanied her to do something, (then) you should be casual and please her. 
Baron: But when you want to kiss her, you just grab her over to your side and kiss her and it should be ok. After kissing her, you just put her back on the side.

---Baron, you playboy! Haha...he means dealing with girls that worry themselves to death----
Megan [red caption]: You really know how to deal (with them)
Baron to the camera: Am I right?
Baron to the camera: Am I right?

Commentator: Truthfully speaking, from filming this drama for a few months, we can see the 
Du-Pi pairing are privately very sweet and often bicker playfully.

Commentator: Their mutual understanding and chemistry is really very good.

Commentator: Only Megan's scheme to provoke anger in a second has been exposed.

Commentator:  If you want to mess with Chu Chu (Baron)...

Commentator: Then you should be afraid of being messed around in return by him.

4. Pinning each other on the Motorcycles
Baron is laying on the motorcycle talking to Megan
Baron: Pin me to the motorcycle. Hurry up. 
Megan: My leg isn't long enough!
But she proceeds to walk up to the motorcycle and throws her leg over Baron, who is laying motorcycle.
---It is so hot. So so hot. Megan kills me every time---
Baron: Good. Very good. Pinned.

-Cut to Baron telling Megan to lay down on the motorbike so he can pin her against it-
Baron: Change over to you
Baron: Do it like I did just then. Hurry up
Baron comes over to Megan who is laughing and huddled nervously on the bike.

Baron: Turn over. This leg has to go over here.
Baron moves Megan's legs a little more further apart
---Haha. Are dirty thoughts running through your heads? He wants her to open up the gap between where she's placed her legs...Baronnnn!---

Megan to Baron: Hey! Just then your legs weren't this open!
Megan: Just then (when you did it), this side was like this...
She indicates how his legs were.
Baron: Hurry up!
Baron: She hasn't...Only put a leg up...
Megan sits awkwardly in what she thinks is the same pose.
Baron comes over: Head goes down. You can lay on this side
Megan: You know where...

Baron: You, hurry up!
He pushes her shoulders down onto the bike where she should lay

Megan, complains about the sun: It's too bright here!
Baron: Don't you know how to lift your head?!
Baron: Do you know or don't you? Let me demonstrate!
Baron gives Megan a hand up and jokingly shoves her away.
Baron: Go away!
Megan laughs at Baron's domineering tones.
Baron lays down on the motorcycle and pretends to be shyly moving around, shielding his chest with his arms and bringing all coy.
Baron, "shyly" calling out [Pink, orange and white caption]: No, Yanuo!

Megan is highly amused while Baron is turning around, pretending to be all shy.
Megan, laughing: Do I have to be like that?
Baron puts his arm on her shoulder and moves her towards the bike: Yes. Hurry up

-Cuts to Baron pinning Megan against the motorbike, looking deeply into her eyes-
Megan, who's probably wondering if she's going to be impregnated by his gaze: Ok!
---Her Ok means... are we done yet?! Can you stop impregnating me with your gaze?!---

Megan laughing: Ok! Ok!
Baron moves away and Megan sits up laughing.
Megan: Hey, the newest type of car sex

Baron lunges at her, as if to try this with her!
Megan who is caught off guard, gasps, but then realises what's happening and starts laughing.
Baron then gives her a hand and helps to pull her off the bike.

Commentator: These two banter flirtatiously. Always there's the feeling that Megan is being lovingly bullied by Chu Chu (Baron). But that doesn't matter because Megan has discovered Baron Chen's big secret.

5. Megan and Baron having tickle and hugging fights
Megan and Baron are sitting on the motorcycle. Baron, who is in front has just laid back onto Megan and is sleeping on her.

Megan is laughing because she can't get him off she reaches forwards to tickle him on the stomach...and he instantly reacts making Megan laugh gleefully.

Megan, laughing very hard: He's ticklish!

Baron scoffs
Megan: Now you know the hardships of being in front, right?

Baron sarcastically, leaning forward to lay on he bike: It seems like you've become a bit more clever
Crew member: Was she stupid before?

Megan, who had been grinning, catches on and scoffs: Hey, yeah! Was I stupid before, huh?
Baron sits up again.

He grabs her hands on both sides and holds them in his own hands. 
Baron, grinning: It's not fun
Megan laughs because she knows she's right in guessing that he's ticklish

[Red caption pointing to Baron: Really is ticklish]
Megan, grinning and teasing him : You just had a moment of weakness

He's grabbing her hands and she's moving them around his side to see if she can find an opening to tickle him.
Baron, laughing: It's not fun, ok?

Megan: Let me see...
Megan: You just sit still
All this time she's moving her hands around his sides and he's grabbing her hands, and trying to pin her arms, so that she won't succeed.
Crew member: Big brother has a weakness

Finally, Baron just pulls both her arms around his waist

So that he makes her hug him, and he leans back, ensuring that her arms are wrapped tightly around him. Hehe, it looks cute, but he totally has a revenge plan. He's pinning her arms, so he can reach back to tickle her!

Megan, realising the game is turning around: Ok, ok, that's enough, that's enough...

Baron reaches back to tickle her and she's shaking her head and shrinking back. Baron's leaning on her and thinking of a new way to get at her.

Megan: Wait a moment!
---Haha, Megan is ticklish too---
Megan: That's enough! That's clothes...

Commentator: That's right. That is after this and that, (we've) accidentally discovered Baron Chen's secret that he's afraid of being tickled.

Commentator: But just how much is he afraid of being tickled, eh?

-Cuts to Baron leaning on Megan, his chin resting on her shoulder, his whole body flopped over hers as she's now sitting in the front, and he's at the back-

Megan laughing to a crew member: Can you try from the back?

Megan: Sorry to trouble you!
---Hehe, she's really in the mood to provoke him here! Perhaps because she likes him grabbing her and putting her arms around him. Ah, yes. Just keep pushing him Megan---
Crew member: I'm afraid he'll hit me with one punch across
Megan: He won't...come on!

She's reached down and grabbed Baron's hands and pulled his arms so that they're around her waist.
Megan to Baron: Be very obedient
---It's like an instruction and compliment you give to kids. She says it in such a cute voice to Baron---
Megan to the crew member: Ok, come on...
Megan starts laughing, silently gleeful!
[Red captions: Happy, happy, happy!]

Megan starts laughing as she's firmly pinned Baron's arms around her waist.
A crew member comes up to kind of tickle Baron. Quickly. Before disappearing.
---Hahaha I'd be too afraid too if I was her. No one but Megan seems to have command of him---

Baron has now sat up looking mildly unamused, like a cat that has been disturbed from a nap.
Megan still has his arms around her waist, though she lets go eventually.

Megan to Baron: Are you afraid?

-Cuts to Megan reaching out to tickle Baron on his stomach-
[Red and blue caption: Chu Chu, there's a fist attack, one last time!]
Megan tries to get Baron at the waist but he protects himself and tries to get her instead making her scream.
[Black caption on Megan's side: Suffers a crushing defeat]

-Cuts to Baron and Megan sitting on the motorbike again-
Baron is laying across the front and Megan is sitting at the back talking happily to the camera.

Megan: At least we know one thing...
Megan [Orange and Green caption]: Baron Chen is afraid of being tickled

Megan smirks gleefully at the camera.

Crew member: It's too cool (that you know this)
Crew member: This weapon is very good to use
Baron says disdainfully: It's very immature

Commentator: What do you mean immature? Clearly, it's very cute, ok?

Commentator: But seriously speaking...

Commentator: The Du-Pi pairing's relationship in this drama, is already gotten to the stage where they must confess with confess to each other.

Commentator: Inside or outside the drama, this adhesive pairing...

Commentator:  Allow people to light up viewing the screen, and unable to help themselves, to start laughing sweetly.

Commentator: Don't you agree?

Commentator: Reporting from Show Biz.

End of Translations. Ah, I can't help but feel that Megan and Baron really enjoy holding each other. If they're not doing it, then one of them will end up provoking the other to grab them....Ah, my poor heart gets no break from watching these two.


  1. OMG, thank you so much for translating this BTS.

    I really like this BTS, maybe even slightly more than the pumpkin kiss one. I love that Baron and Megan are so touchy feely with each other. The way they keep playing with each other is so cute and heartwarming. I'm envious cause I want a friend like that too! Even if the ship doesn't sail, I hope they remain friends like this for the rest of their lives.

    1. Haha, that's ok! This is probably one of my top three favourite BTS videos. They just really enjoy touching each other, don't they? It's the cutest thing to watch. And I agree, if there is no ship, then please just be ambiguous friends for life...

  2. Oh My Goodness, such details. Millions of thanks. - rambutan

    1. Hehe, no problems my dear. I am a girl of detail.
