Monday 12 October 2015

Picture Spam: Morning Call's 輕晨電 Sui Ling and Meng Shu for Fashion Gatecrasher

Sometimes things slip under my radar in the midst of getting news about one of my other favourite fandoms. And this was the case with this Morning Call photo shoot last year. Can't believe I missed such a beautiful interview and photo shoot with the girls of Morning Call!

You can read the original article here or I've summarized the article below: 

In the interview, the girls talk about all sort of things to do with the band and their personal tastes. Sui Ling says her musical influences include Radiohead and Coldplay, while Meng Shu has always liked Japanese music with a dab of the band combines these different styles to produce unique music.

In terms of Morning Call's creative processes, they're quite peculiar as a band. Sometimes at band practice, someone will randomly play a small segment of chords. Then they'll add drums and the other instruments will be added into the mix. Then Sui Ling will see how the song makes her feel before she starts writing lyrics for it. Other times someone hums a song in the group and then someone else in the group continues creating from that inspiration. It's a sort of playful, casual way of creating music. 

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