Thursday 4 February 2016

Magazine Scans: Jasper Liu 劉以豪 for the February cover of 女人我最大窩們 Woman

Ah, Jasper. He's given the title of Taiwan's most adorable boyfriend, but his interview with the magazine talks about the "idol effect" and how he's really nothing like his characters and about how love is working at a relationship with the person. 

I think it's fantastic that he's giving interviews like this because it's true. At the end of the day, fans know very little about him as a person and he's not the characters he plays. For me, I'll admit I was drawn to him for his cute, sunny appearance...but I could also see him as a quiet and broody person too, who would enjoy his own company and music and hanging with just his family, his dogs and a small, close bunch of friends. But that's what I like about him - he's a very down to earth, fun celebrity to follow. His charm lies, not in being grandiose, but in his bright sense of humour and his quiet personality.

Anyway, Magazine scans can be found here...along with the interview...

Credits: 女人我最大窩們 Woman Magazine and Kono

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