Monday 1 February 2016

Picture Spam: Looks like Baron Chen 陳楚河 Can't Wait to Show off his Beautiful On-Screen wife, Megan Lai 賴雅妍

Prepare your eyes for spoilers and your hearts for a heavy pounding session, because Baron Chen just posted some on-screen wedding photos. If you don't want spoilers, please look away now or you might not be able to tear your eyes away later.


  1. I am so bad! Do I love the boyish Yanuo in androgynous clothing? Yes yes yes. I wish the writer had hold back this moment(wedding scene), focus more on the tension between them which to my disappointment has become excessively physical(though initially I used to like it), and reveal it only in the last episode, like an epilogue. My romanticism of a man and a girl-as-a-man seems to be broken finally because by the look of the pictures Yanuo seems too eager to shed off her boyish image, soon too soon. I love a good drama where the female character is as fierce as her male lead. Until a week before, I used to eat, love and drink Bromance, but this is not the case anymore. I just begin to watch other Taiwanese dramas 'cus I am definitely no more hooked to this drama. Watching Murphy's Law and Pleasantly Surprised. Just watched one episode of PS and going through the second episode of Murphy's.
    Oh I just happen to realised you got a good lot articles on PS! Even your blog cover photo is.. :) I will be combing through all the PS articles in your blog these coming days. I really like the female lead description, she only loves books and food which are like an instant connection of unspoken sisterhood. Lol I am totally adoring Puff as Du Kai Qi.

    1. Haha. I totally have a crush on Megan Lai dressed as the cool Yanuo. But I love that she's a beautiful girl as well. Actually, I have a feeling that she's still going to be a guy until at least episode 17, and even then she's not letting out her long hair, so I don't think it's a big deal with her gender. But I guess they need to leave room to complete the drama and deliver what they promised, which was that Yanuo would become a woman. I like that they've done this. But everyone has their own preferences I guess. I love Pleasantly Surprised and I was always a fan of Du Kaiqi and Ah Jie. If you like strong female characters, you'll like her! I have heaps of content here, so do enjoy :) As for Murphy's Law of Love, really? I did watch it for 8 or 9 episodes, but I didn't like it very much. I don't think the girl was very strong...she was ultra feminine and the series was a bit too soppy for me. But I did try to give it a go. And I know a lot of people who enjoyed it! Anyway, if you change your mind I'll still be translating for Bromance too :)

    2. True that. The female lead in Murphy’s appears to be working within a set rules while Du Kai Qi rules her own kingdom. Hahaa Ah Jie is cute (a word rarely used in my vocabulary world for a big guy) except for his floral pants, the floral shirts look good though. XD As the drama proceeds, occasionally I am getting distracted by Hao Wei’s potential charm. Yes, he definitely looks charming in Murphy’s. Zherui ka from Bromance is such a pathetic character as the head of Figaro cuisine, but he is also funny. Comparatively he seems more human as in character, childish and the kind of guy whom you will/had met in your life who mistakes your smile or kindness for love. Irritating but the man is harmless! I have been watching PS more than Murphy’s. Still in episode 4 with Murphy’s while PS already at 7! To sum up, I am loving the Figaro team, warts and all. <3
      I read the BTS translations for episode 11. Hahaa Really looking forward to it. If not for my coming exam, I could have finished this drama within 2 or 3 days.

  2. Baron and Megan are an awesome couple, both onscreen and offscreen. Destiny reunited them in a 2nd drama after 5 years. Through Bromance we wish they discover real feelings and true love for each other. Fans and viewers cannot get enough of them - we love watching them, their skinship and playfulness. Our blessings for them to be together for real eventually.

  3. Will there be a season 2 of bromance I loved the first one waiting to see what happens in their life such a amazing couple

    1. I doubt it as Baron Chen seems to be doing a lot of projects in China these days. But I hear him and Megan Lai have had a few reunion press conferences since the dram ended! I'm not really following this pairing so much anymore unfortunately, but it's always big news when these 2 are reunited due to their amazing chemistry.

  4. An awesome show. Bromance. Megan and Baron fit the roles superbly. I gave up on U.S. shows. I found that shows from Taiwan, China and Korea have great actors and actresses. I recognized the people in a lot of the shows even though I don't know their names. So pleased with Bromance that I have watched it at least 4 times entirely and a lot of times I go to my favorite parts and watch some more. Wish I could get the chance ti visit there. Be good. Charlie
